There is a misconception that people who belong to Oriental culture are inferior to those who belong to Occidental one. Academically, Asian students are outperforming their Americans counterparts at all levels. However, as adults, we are discovering ourselves falling short in the area of creativity and the ability to influence others, and the successful people are those who know how to exert influence on others. This is an area that is emphasized in a Western upbringing in the West, children are oriented to question authority by asking why, something which is not encouraged in Asian culture. At the same time, I think that the Western emphasis on creativity may have gone too far. On the other hand, in Asia there is too much stress on rote learning and drilling. It is found that Asian students in law school have trouble coming up with creative ideas. Ideally, we should take the best from both worlds.

Which of the following is a criticism of Western upbringing made by the writer?

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago
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