
Read the text about a peaceful morning and answer the questions that follow:

The morning was serene and calm. The first rays of sunlight gently touched the dew-covered grass, making them glisten like tiny diamonds. Birds chirped harmoniously, filling the air with their melodious tunes. A cool breeze whispered through the trees, rustling the leaves softly. The village river, flowing quietly, mirrored the clear blue sky above. People were slowly starting their day, some heading towards the fields while others were opening their shops. The distant sound of a temple bell added a sacred touch to the peaceful atmosphere. Everything seemed in perfect harmony as if nature itself was at peace.

Read the text again and write the summary of the text in your own words. The following points must be mentioned in writing your summary.

  • Focus on the main idea
  • Use of own words
  • Keep it brief
  • Maintaining the original meaning

Created: 5 days ago | Updated: 5 days ago
Updated: 5 days ago

ইংরেজি - English

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