
Part C

Read the story below. Try to assume the topic of the story. Then complete the activity that follows.

In the social system of Bangladesh, children have to depend upon their parents and family members for their well-being. The state cannot ensure completely their basic needs and social security. Children are the most unprotected, vulnerable, and weak segment of society. Child marriage is a perennial problem. Though it's a global problem it is more alarming for Bangladesh. It is treated as a massive violation of girl's rights because due to early marriage, they cannot continue or complete their education. Child marriage is such a problem that can pose a threat to the whole society. In most of the cases, girls are victims of child marriage. Due to poverty and illiteracy parents especially in rural areas think economically girls are a burden for the family and to reduce the burden of the family arrange child marriage. As the mental faculties of the children are not mature enough they cannot realize the consequences of child marriage, rely on their parents, family, and other relatives and they think that child marriage will be a benefit for them. Parents inspire early marriage from the fear that the amount of dowry will be high with the age of their daughters.

One of the major causes of the rapid increase in population in Bangladesh is early marriage. It has adverse health, intellectual, and psychological impacts and it also causes dropout from school. Marriage at an early age has the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, unintended pregnancy, delivery of low birth weight babies, and maternal and child death. It destroys a girl physically and mentally.

Now, write a paragraph on 'The cause and effects of early marriage in Bangladesh' in 150 words.

Here are some thought-provoking questions on early marriage that you may use to write the paragraph.

  • What are the primary factors of early marriage in Bangladesh?
  • What are the problems with early marriage?
  • How does early marriage affect the mental and emotional well-being of young girls?
  • How to stop early marriage?

Created: 5 days ago | Updated: 5 days ago
Updated: 5 days ago

ইংরেজি - English

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