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H ইউনিট || ইসলামী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2016


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a young person
a old man
an old woman
a hard working man
by, old
going, ancient
from, antique
passing, antique
A great deal of pleasure
Very pleasure
many pleasure
much pleasure
Fast day
Quite day
Finishing day
Hurriedly day
Comfortable and rich
Comfortable and carefree life
A carefree and simple life
Cheerful and simple life
had cost a lot of money;
Showed how much they lived each other;
Would be useful for a long time;
we unusual presents to give each other;
A fighter
An Warrior
An armed man
Many loss
Much loss
Directing the course of a ship
growing vegetables at sea
farming techniques
I shall have been doing
We shall have been doing
I have been doing
I will be doing
By whom is it done
By whom will it done
By home was done
By whom was it done
One of my friends are a lawyer
One of friends is a lawyer
One of friend is a lawyer
one of friend are a lawyer
To help
To easy
To shake hands
To extend one's hand.
a prepositional phrase
An adjective Phrase
A noun phrase
An Adverbial phrase