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শিক্ষাবর্ষঃ ২০১৭-২০১৮ || মেডিকেল কলেজ ভর্তি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্নসমুহ || 2017


Ask Question?


Will you come today night

Will you come tonight

Will you come this night

Will you come present night

All that glitters is not to be gold
All that glitters is not gold
All that glitter is not gold
All that glitters are not gld
Vulnerable Group Feeding
Vulnerable Group Funding
Valuable Group Finding
Village Group Funding
People speaks English all over the world
All people of the world speak English
People speak English all over the world
All the world people speak English
Your, he and I went there
He, you and I went there
You, I and he went there
You, I and he went there
Thinking, If i could be a king!
I wish I was a king!
I wish I were a king!
I wished I were a king!