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শিক্ষাবর্ষঃ ১৯৯৭-১৯৯৮ || মেডিকেল কলেজ ভর্তি পরীক্ষার প্রশ্নসমুহ || 1997


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I asked him if he knew me
I told him if he had know me
I said to him if he know me
I asked him if he know me
he maintains his family with great diffeiculty
Either karim or his brother has done this work
He maintains his family with great hardship
Eaither karim or his brother have done this work
Every mother does not like her child
There is no mother but loves her child
Every mother hates her child
There is no mother who does not love her child
I informed the police of the matter
I knew the police of the matter
I informed the matter of the police
I informed of the matter to the police
I shall look upon the matter
I shall look into the matter
I shall look after the matter
I shall look for the matter
Rosy is the order of the two sisters
Rosy is the elder of two sisteer
Rosy is the eldest of two sisters
Rosy is the elder of two sister
Football is played by me
Football has been played by me
Football is being played by me
Football was played by me