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কলা ও মানববিদ্যা অনুষদ 'B'-ইউনিট(বিকাল) ২০২১-২০২২ || চট্টগ্রাম বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2021


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is as good of better than the new school
are as good or better than new school
are as good as or better than those of the new school
are as good as of better than the new school
write a composition on his
to write a composition about the
wrote some composition on his
had written any composition for his
Several other states hasn't either
neither have several other states
neither has some of the other states
other states also have not either
neither will her colleagues
will neither her colleagues
would her colleagues either
won't her colleagues either
He is over ears and head in debts
He is over ear and heads in debt
He is over heads and ears in debt
He is over head and ears in debt
the problem was discussed by the members of the committe
the committe members discussed the problem
it was dicussion of the committe members the problem
a discussion of the problem was made by the members of committe
and instead earn a bigger amounts of profit
in place to earn more money
because of profit make
for a large profit margin