Every age and every country has held views on the appropriate education for their young man and women. The aim of education inevery age has been to help prepare the citizen for life in the‘modern world’. Education typically centers on three aspects of the individual's nature: his mind, his body , his sprit. In some periods ; of history, the development of the mind or intellect is stressed more :“than the others. We may be in such a period today in most’countries of the world, when an understanding of science and: technology is considered the mark of an educated man. The well-being of the body is seen as the primary necessity for survival in,periods or places of physical strife or hardship. The great eras of 'exploration, migration and military exploitation emphasize man’s physical nature. More peaceful times and places, on the other 'hand, encourage the education of the citizenry toward the spiritual;life. Many of the world’s great spiritual writings are the results of such education. Although education usually includes much that is traditional, it frequently reinterprets tradition. The purpose is to instruct men and women to meet the contemporary world.

The opposite of strife (Line11) is

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago
Updated: 2 years ago


An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. Antonyms provide contrast and can help convey nuanced meanings in language. They are essential in learning English for several reasons:

Understanding Context: Antonyms help learners understand the context and nuances of words. For example, knowing the antonym of "happy" is "sad" helps understand the emotional range and context in which these words are used.

Vocabulary Expansion: Learning antonyms expands one's vocabulary. When you learn an antonym, you essentially learn two words at once, which can be a more efficient way to build your language skills.

Expressive Communication: Antonyms allow for more expressive and precise communication. They help you choose the right word to convey your intended meaning accurately.

Comprehension and Interpretation: When reading or listening, understanding antonyms helps with comprehension and interpretation of texts and speech. It aids in identifying contrasts and oppositions in language.

Enhancing Writing and Speaking Skills: Antonyms can make your writing and speaking more interesting and varied. Instead of repeating the same word, you can use its antonym to create diversity and engage your audience.

Improving Critical Thinking: Learning antonyms encourages critical thinking as you consider opposing concepts and their relationship within the language.


  • Antonym: Hot - Cold
    • Understanding both "hot" and "cold" and their antonymous relationship allows you to describe temperatures accurately, express preferences, or discuss weather conditions in English.

In essence, antonyms play a crucial role in language learning by enhancing vocabulary, promoting effective communication, and enabling learners to grasp the subtleties and complexities of the English language. They are a fundamental building block in the development of language proficiency and comprehension.

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