Test Mode Reading Mode Right = 0 Wrong = 0

Passive voice

All Question - (338)

I feel interest by stories of Lucky lips .
I am interested by the stories of Lucky Lips .
Lucky Lips interested me by the stories.
I am interested in the stories of Lucky Lips.
Have the book been read by you?
Has the book being read by you?
Has the book been read by you?
The book have been read by you?
It is time for your work to be done
It is time for work to be done for you.
Your work has to be done by now.
Your work is to be done for you.
This picture has to be coloured by you,
This picture is to be colour by you.
This picture is to be colour by you .
This picture is ping coloured by you
A bird was being stalking by a cat in my garden .
A bird was stalked by a cat in my garden.
In my garden a bird was stalked by a cat .
A bird was being stalked by a cat in my garden.
Has the picture not been seen by him?
Has not the picture been seen by him?
Have not the picture been seen by him?
Have the picture not been seen by him?
I shall be obliged by someone to go
I shall oblige to go
Circumstances will bolige me to go.
Circumstances will be obliged by me to go .
I was being taken to prison by my captors .
I have been taken to prison by my captors.
I was taken to prison by my captors.
I had been taken to prison by my captions
I shall be obliged by someone to go
I shall oblige to go
Circumstances will oblige me to go.
Circumstances will be obliged by me to go.
Let the picture to be shown by me.
Let me be shown by the picture.
Let the picture be shown by me.
Let me to be shown by the picture .
The window should be opened
Let the window be opened by you
Let the window be opened by you
The window must be opened
His friend has laughed at him
He has been laughed at by his friend
His friend was laughed at him
He was laughed at by his friend .
A pen has had by me
A pen was had by me
A pen has been by me
None of the above
Let the truth spoken always
Let the truth be spoke always
Let the truth be spoken
Let the truth be spoken always
It can't but be done on time by me.
It must be done on time by me.
It must be done on time by me .
I must have done on time by me.
Rice is sold cheap
Rice is cheap when it is sold
Rice is being sold cheap
None of the above
Puffed rice is not liked to me.
Puffed rice does not liked by me.
Puffed rice is not liked by me.
Puffed rice is not liked for me.
Two criminals were punished and one released
Two criminals were. punished and one was released
Two criminals were punished when one released
Two criminals were punished while one was released
None of the above

Following the relationship of the first pair of words, choose the right word for the blank space of the second pair. 
Let not the poor be laughed .
Let the poor be not laughed at .
Let not the poor be laughed at .
Let not the poor are laughed at.
Let the book is being read carefully .
The book should be read carefully
Let the book read carefully.
Let the book be read carefully