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সরকারি মাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালয় সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-2001-(20-05-2001) || 2001


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The address of the receiver
The address of the writer
The body of the letter
The signature of the writer
সঙ্গদোষে নষ্ট
সৎ সংঙ্গে স্বর্গবাস
সঙ্গ দেখে লোক চেনা যায়
মানিকে মানিক চেনে
Every Bangladeshi has ought to love his country
Every Bangladeshi ought to love his country
Every Bangladeshi ought to loving his country
Every Bangladeshi ought to love their country
She could Know how to swim
She would know how to swim
She knew how to swim
She did Know how to swim
I am happy to see you
I am happy to meet you
I was happy to seeing you
I am happy to seeing you
সে কুকুরের কাছে গেছে
সে কুকুর খুব ভালোবাসে
সে কুকুর পোষে
সে গোল্লায় গেছে
It is no good of to talk to him
To talk him is of no good
It's no use talking to him
It's of no use how talking to him
Death is preferable to dishonour
Death is preferable than dishonour
Death is preferable than dishonour
Death is more preferable to dishonour
By whom it is painted?
By whom it is painted with?
Who was it painted by ?
With whom was it painted by?