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All Question - (22646)

Securities issued by the government
Industrial shares considered to be a safe investment
Industrial shares considered to be a risky investment
Flat plastic countries used as money tokens
A musical instrument
A well-planned programme
A noisy activity
A musical drama
A large solid piece of store
A device to cut off a person's head as a punishment
Something that makes movement difficult
A powerful explosive to demolish buildings
A new cabinet has been sworn in in Dhaka
A new cabinet has been sworn in Dhaka
A new cabinet has been sworn by in Dhaka
A new cabinet has sworn in Dhaka
To read carefully
To read only some lines
To read quickly to save time
To read carefully to find out any hidden meaning
One of my friends are a lawyer
One of my friends is a lawyer
One of my friend is a lawyer
One of my friends are lawyer
Physical fitness programs are often the most popular services offered to employees.
Studies have shown that training in stress, management is not effective for many people.
Regular exercise reduces people's risk of heart disease and provides them with increased energy.
Employee assistance programs require companies to hire people to supervise the various programs offered.
All human cells are the same because the 46 chromosomes govern size, shape and function
Difference in size, shape and function are not very great because all human cells have the same 46 chromosomes .
The size, shape and function of human cells are the same, but the 46 chromosomes are different
Although the 46 chromosomes are the same in all human cells, there are difference in the size, shape and function
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 4 weeks ago
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 4 weeks ago
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 4 weeks ago





Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 4 weeks ago
Not deceptive
Not certain
Not obvious
Not coherent
Setenographer : typewriter
Painter : brush
Lawyer : brief
Seamstress : scissors
Accident : delay
Water : waves
Event : memories
Wood : splinters