Test Mode Reading Mode Right = 0 Wrong = 0

Interrogative Sentence

All Question - (20)

What matters if I fail?
Does it matter if I fail?
What does it matter if I fail?
Doesn't it matter if I fail ?
What is matters if I fail
Does nobody trust a liar ?
Does anybody trust a liar?
What does not trust a liar?
Who trust a liar?
Had your father came homme last night?
Did your father come home last night?
Have your father came home last night?
Was your father came home last night?
Did he ever go there?
Did he never go there?
When did he go there?
Had he ever gone there?
Did I do the work
Do I do the work
Do I did the work
Have I done the work
Was he married to the beautiful girl?
Did he married to the beautiful girl?
Did he marry to the beautiful girl?
Had he married to the beautiful girl?
an adverbial phrase
a coordinate clause
a transitive verb
a suborinate clause
Cannot anyone do it?
Who cannot do it?
Can anyone do it?
Can no one do it?
Did he promised to lend me the money?
Did he promise to lend me the money?
Is he promised to lend me the money?
Was promised to lend me the money?
We should not waste time in reading trash.
Do not waste time in reading trash.
It is extremely foolish to waste time in reading trash.
Reading trash is wastage of time.
When can their glory fade?
When their glory fade?
When their glorywill be fading?
When their glory would fade?
When can their glory fade?
When their glory fade?
When their glory will be fading?
When their glory would fade?
Did I go to school yesterday?
Did I went to school yesterday?
Did I go school yesterday?
Did I went school yesterday?
Who knows him?
Does every one know him?
Who does not know him?
Is he known by every one?
is love anything but feelings?
What are the feelings of love?
What a love and feelings?
How feelings are love?
