
Part B

Read the following passage and identify five cohesive devices used in the text, and analyze the purpose of using them in the sentences. Use the table below to complete the activity.

Trees are a vital part of our environment. They have, in fact, great impacts on the climate. But we are not kind and careful about them. Rather, we destroy trees at random. As a result, one day the country will bear the consequences of the greenhouse effect. Since ours is an agricultural country, our economy depends largely on agriculture. Moreover, trees play a vital role in our climate. Besides, trees keep soil strong and protect it. After that, trees save us from floods and many other natural calamities. Furthermore, trees provide us with timber which is of great use, especially in construction works and making furniture. Thus, trees are our best friends.

Cohesive device

Purpose of using











Created: 5 days ago | Updated: 5 days ago
Updated: 5 days ago

Cohesive Device

Purpose of using it

in fact

to give emphasis on a point


to indicate contrasting ideas

as a result

to explain consequences


to add a further point


to add more points

4 days ago

ইংরেজি - English

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