
Complete the following text with the right form of verbs given in the box :


Most of us (a)---- the wrong mentality of measuring success in life. Many poor adults (b)---- that the possession of wealth (c)----- peace of mind in life. But it (d)----- not always true. Many have (e)---- their health to gain wealth, but later (f)---- much of their wealth to regain health. Isn't that ironical ? Again there are also a number of people who had (g)---- high prices for possessing their present wealth. They have (h)----- friends and family and have (i)---- opportunities to spend precious moments with people around them. Besides, many have (j)---- peace within themselves for wanting more and more of everything.

(right form of verbs)

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago

Most of us (a)possess the wrong mentality of measuring success in life. Many poor adults (b)claim that the possession of wealth (c)brings peace of mind in life. But it (d)is not always true. Many have (e)neglected their health to gain wealth, but later (f) have lost much of their wealth to regain health. Isn't that ironical ? Again there are also a number of people who had (g)paid high prices for possessing their present wealth. They have (h) lost friends and family and have (i) lost opportunities to spend precious moments with people around them. Besides, many have (j)neglected peace within themselves for wanting more and more of everything.

1 year ago

English Grammar & Composition

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b+iii+i;  = (b) Irresponsible activities of human beings + (iii) are +(i) mainly responsible for it.

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