তৃতীয় শ্রেণি (প্রাথমিক স্তর ২০২৪) - English For Today - NCTB BOOK
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C. Read the lexl.

Shihab and Kaniz are walking to school along the riverside. At one place, they stop to see some things. Some people are bathing in the river. Some are washing their clothes. A man throws some kitchen rubbish into the river. Shihab and Kaniz become upset. They request the man, "Please, don't throw the rubbish into the river. It pollutes the water."
Shihab and Kaniz also see some polythene bags, plastics bottles and some other things floating on the river. They start talking about it.
Kaniz: Look, Shihab, the water is so dirty!
Shihab: Yes, Kaniz. We can't bathe in this polluted water.
Kaniz: Fishes also can't swim easily.
Shihab: Yes. Sometimes, the fishes get caught into polythene bags. It puts their lives in danger.
Kaniz: You are right. We should save them.
Shihab: Sure. We must keep the water clean.
Kaniz and Shihab reach school and share this story with their friends. They discuss how to keep the water clean and safe.

D. Circle True or False for these sentences.


E. Correct the false sentences from Activity E. Write them in your exercise book.

F. Read the text in C again. Ask and answer in pairs.

a) What do Shihab and Kaniz see in the river?

b) Why do they feel upset?

c) What things do they see floating on the river?

d) Why are the lives of fishes in danger?

e) How is the water polluted?

f) How can you keep the water clean?

G. Write the answers to the questions in Activity F in your exercise book.


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B. Read the text.

Water is called life. Al humans, animals and plants need. water to live. Oceans, rivers, rain and ponds are the main sources of water. We need water every day. We use water for drinking, cooking, bathing and cleaning. Animals drink water every day. Plants and trees also take water from the soil for their growth. The farmers use water to grow crops. So, we cannot live without water.

Sometimes, we do not get clean water for our everyday uses. We pollute the water sources. This pollution decreases water quality. Polluted water is also dangerous for our life. So, we must save water from polution. We should not throw any rubbish, plastics, etc. into ponds, rivers and oceans. We must keep the rubbish in a fixed place.

C. Complete the sentences with the right words.



D. Read the text again in B. Ask and answer in pairs.

a) What are the main sources of water?
b) What do we do with water in our everyday life?
c) Why do trees take water from the soil?
d) How can you save water from pollution?
e) Why should you keep all rubbish in a fixed place?

E. Write the answers to the questions in Activity G in your exercise book.


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A. Read the text.

The world population is increasing. The need for clean water is also increasing. One day, we may not have enough clean water. So, we should start saving water now!
Here are some tips to save water in our everyday lives.

1. Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth.
2. Turn off the tap after you wash your face.
3. Do not use too much soap to wash your hands.
4. Do not use too much water when you take a bath.
5. Finish all the water in the glass, when you drink water.
6. Do not misuse when you water the plants in your garden.

We use water in the wash block and toilet at school. Sometimes, we water the plants in our school garden. We must follow these tips when using water.

B. Read the text in A again. Tick the best answer.

1) What should you do when you brush your teeth?
a) Brush quickly
b) Turn off the tap
c) Turn on the tap

2) When you use too much soap to wash your hands, you...
a) save water.
b) feel better.

c) misuse water.

3) When you leave half a glass of water after drinking, you...
a) save water.
b) help others to drink.
c) waste water.


C. Read the text in A again. Ask and answer in pairs.

a) Why may we not have clean water one day?
b) What should we do while we take a bath?
c) Why do we water the plants carefully?
d) How should we use water during school time?
e) Why do we follow the tips for using water?


D. Write the answers to the questions in Activity C in your exercise book.

E. How can you and your family save water? The following questions will help you to write the answers.

a) When do you use water at home?
b) When do your family members use water?
c) How do you save water at home?
d) What tips do your family members follow to save water?


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A. Look at the picture of rainbow. In pairs, discuss how many colours are there in a rainbow.

B. Now listen to the rhyme below. Underline the name of each colour when you hear it.


C. Read aloud the poem first individually then in chorus.

D. Draw a rainbow using all the colours mentioned in the poem.

Grammar focus:
"Can" is a modal verb that can be used to express ability. Example: I can sing. Vocabulary: red, yellow, indigo, green, violet, orange, blue

Note: "Sing a Rainbow" is a popular song written by Arthur Hamilton and sung by Peggy Lee in 1955 in the film Pete Kelly's Blues. Two of the seven colours mentioned in the original song [pink and purple are not actually colours of the rainbow. In the current version, these two colours are re- placed with indigo and violet.]


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I saw him on the way all off a sudden
I met him on the way all for a sudden
I saw him on the way all of a sudden
I met him in the way all by a sudden

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