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Read the passage, then answer the questions no. 1.

Today there are many jobs where you need English. This is because the world has become smaller. Vast distances are shortened by speedy transports. We can talk to a person thousands of kilometers away on the phone or the Internet. So, we can communicate with the whole world easily. English has made this communication easier.

There are many countries in the world with many languages, but to communicate with them, you! cannot use all the languages. So, you need a common language that you can use with more or less all the people in the world. English is that common language. You can talk to a Chinese toy maker, a French artist, an Arab ambassador or a Korean builder in one language English.

English, for us in Bangladesh, is all the more important. As we have seen earlier, we are too many people in a small country. So if you learn English, you have the best opportunity to find a good job, both within and outside the country. And that is good news for millions of our unemployed youths. "But Miss we learn English for 12 or 14 years, yet we do not find good jobs, says Rumi

. She then tells the class about what happened to her brother. "Could you please tell us why?" Rumi asks. "This is a very important question, Rumi. We should learn how to use English both orally and in writing for doing things as needed in our work, such as communicating with others at personal, social, national and International levels. But unfortunately, at the moment we are learning English mainly for our exams." continues Ms Choudhury. "Remember, English can greatly help you become skilled workers. "But where and how can we learn this kind of English, Miss?" asks Ratan. Ms Choudhury says. “We can learn English both in and outside the classroom. Besides your textbooks, the radio, television, newspapers, magazines, computers and other supplementary materials will greatly help you. During our classroom activities, we'll see how we can learn English.”

Choose the correct answer from the following alternatives.

Which of the following is true?

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
OPTION 1 : 0
OPTION 2 : 1
OPTION 3 : 0
OPTION 4 : 0
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