English Grammar & Composition

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Date: 12/07/21

5 months ago

The importance of learning english

As the lingua franca of the world, English is can be told the most important language as it has influence on different aspects of life. To cross the border among countries there is no alternative than English. English is the most living language of the world. It is widely accepted as a means of international communication among the different countries of the world. English is not only an international language but also a treasure house of knowledge of all kinds. The best books on different branches of modern science, technology and others are mostly written in English. Hence, students must know English well to understand the language and to grasp the knowledge contained in these books. We can not be able to produce good doctor’s, skilled technicians and efficient engineers if our students do not have adequate knowledge of English. In other words, we can say that in order to keep pace with the advanced and developed countries, we are to learn English well. Moreover, English has a rich literature. If we stop studying English, there is a possibility that we shall be cut off from the tide of modern western civilization. Learning English offers us a great opportunities to get good jobs both home and abroad. Above all, anybody: willing to get higher education in science and technology or any other subjects needs the knowledge of English. So everybody should learn English well.

1 year ago

About one thousand years ago, chocolate was so valuable that it was used as money! Chocolate comes from the Cacao (a)tree  grows near the equator. (b)When the trees are seen to(c)produce pods the farmers collect the (d)seeds from them. Then sugar, cinnamon, (e)vanilla milk and other spices are (f)added to the mature seeds. The (g) origin of chocolate is interesting. Colombus (h)brought Cacao beans to Spain first. (i)Later people learned how to change (j)chocolate from liquid to solid. And by 1847, they started enjoying chocolate candy bars!.

1 year ago

Rangamati is one (a)the most attractive hilly districts of Bangladesh. It is located (b)at/on the western bank of Kaptai lake. Most of the visitors visit the place for its (c)X eye-catching natural beauty. Nature has adorned this town (d) with all the elements of beauty. (e)The hills covered with green trees present (f) a unique sight. There are many tourist spots here. The an suspension bridge of Rangamati is (g)an attraction for the tourists. It is also a home of several (h) X ethnic groups. ah (i)A trip to Rangamati would be (j)an outstanding experience for the nature lovers.

1 year ago

The Padma multi-prupose bridge has opened a new (a)era in the history of Bangladesh. This (b)mega project has been implemented (c)without any foreign aid. The southern 21 districts were cut (d) off  from the mainland by the mighty Padma river. So, this vast area could not keep pace with the other parts (e) considering economic development. But, direct connection with the capital by this bridge is going to expand (f) trade and commerce. Besides (g)tourism is also going to speed up. All these are contributing a lot to our economic (h)growth and surely reduce the (i) poverty of those regions. The construction of the bridge which was our long-cherished (j)dream at last came true.

1 year ago

Social value (a)refers to customs, beliefs, special practices and norms. It (b)reflects the culture of a nation. It (c)has great educative value in our life. In the past, people were very much conscious of (d)obeying social value in each and every walk of life. Earlier each and every person (e)was very careful of social value. But at present our social value is in a great threat. Young people don't (f)respect duly to their elders that results in social degradation. As a result, peace and order and decent life are greatly (g)hampered So with a view to (h)ensuring peace and order in the society, social value is badly (i)required Without social value we can't (j)expect decent, comfortable, happy and peaceful life.

1 year ago

a+ii+iii = (a) Wildlife + (ii) refers + (iii) to all animals, plants found in the forests.

 b+iii+i = (b) Balance of ecosystem largely + (iii) depends + (i) on wildlife.

 c+i+ii  = (c) Any development + (i) is + (ii) harmful to wildlife.

d+v+vi = (d) Urbanization and industrialization + (v) have also increased + (vi) deforestation to a great extent.

e+vi+iv= (e) As a result, many animals + (vi) are going to + (iv) be extinct.

 f+iv+v = (f) For our own existence, we + (iv) should take + (vi) deforestation to a great extent.

1 year ago

Social value (a) refers to customs, beliefs, special practices and hamper reflect require & norms. It (b) reflects the culture of a nation. It (c) has great educative value in our life. In the past, people were very much conscious of (d) obeying  social value in each and every walk of life. Earlier each and every person (e)was very careful of social value. But at present our social value is in a great threat. Young people don't (f) respect duly to their elders that results in social degradation. As a result, peace and order and decent life are greatly (g)hampered So with a view to (h)ensuring peace and order in the society, social value is badly (i)required Without social value we can't (j) expect decent, comfortable, happy and peaceful life.

1 year ago