
Read the text about cultural and social behavioural similarities and dissimilarities between Bangladesh and the United Kingdom, and answer the questions that follow:

Bangladesh and the United Kingdom (UK) have distinct cultural and social behaviours shaped by their unique histories and environments. Both countries value family and community, though the ways these values are expressed may differ. In Bangladesh, extended families often live together, and there is a strong emphasis on respecting the elders. In the UK, while there is a greater focus on nuclear families and individualism.

Socially, both countries enjoy festivals and public holidays, but the types of celebrations vary. Bangladesh celebrates religious festivals like Eid and Pohela Boishakh, while the UK celebrates Christmas, Easter, and Bonfire Night. Both countries have a rich tradition of literature and arts. Bangladesh is known for its poetry and music, and the UK for its contributions to literature and theatre.

Behaviourally, there are differences in social etiquette. In Bangladesh, hospitality is a key aspect of social behaviour, and guests are treated with great respect. In the UK, politeness and queuing are important social norms. Despite these differences, both societies value education and have made significant efforts to improve literacy and educational opportunities for their citizens.

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