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Read the following text carefully and answer the questions no. 5 and 6:

Mark John Milton was one of the famous poets in English Literature. He was born on December 9, 1608 in London. At the age of 17 he went to Cambridge University for study and after seven years of study he took M.A. degree from that University. The next six years he spent at Horton in unprofessional study. In 1638 he started his foreign tour. In 1640 he married Mary Powel a young girl of seventeen. But his wife died in 1652 leaving him with three daughters. So, he married second time in 1656 but two years after this second wife also died. Of all his works 'Paradise Lost' is said to be his greatest. He finished composing this epic in 1664. But it was published three years later. By this time he lost his eye sight. At the age of 66, he died on November 8, 1674.

Complete the table below with information from the above passage:

John Milton

FocusA famous poet of English literature
Greatest work(i ) -------
Milton (ii ) ------- studied(iii ) -------
Miltonin 1632(iv ) -------
in 1658(v ) -------
Milton(vi ) ------- died

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago

i) Paradise lost 

ii) 1625 

iii) Cambridge University 

iv) in Unprofessional study 

v) death of his second wife 

vi) 1674 

1 year ago

English for Toady

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