
Read the following passage and fill in each gap with a suitable word based on the information of the text.

our Independence Day is the biggest state festival The day is celebrated every year in the country with great enthusiasm and fervour. It is a national holiday. The day begins with 31 gunshots.

Early in the morning, the President and the Prime Minister on behalf of the nation place floral wreaths at the National Mausoleum at Savar. Then diplomats, political parties, social and cultural organisations, and freedom fighters pay homage to the martyrs. People from all walks of life also go there in rallies and processions. There are several cultural programmes throughout the day highlighting the heroic struggle and sacrifice in 1971.

  26 March is a (a) ---- day for the people of Bangladesh . On this day, our (b) ---War began. The heroic sons of our country sacrificed their (c) ----. So, the whole nation (d) ----. The day every year to (e) ---- respect to the martyrs.

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

English for Toady

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