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Put the following parts of the story in correct order to make the whole story. Only the corresponding numbers of the sentences need to be written.

(a) The old woman felt pity for him and quickly gave Talmur a full dish of food.

(b) Then he disguised himself as a poor traveller and supported himself by begging.

(c) As a result, he burnt his fingers.

( d) He came to a house and asked an old woman to give him something to eat.

(e) Once young Taimur attacked a province but unfortunately his soldiers were all killed. 

(f) The food was very hot.

(g) One day, he became very hungry and could not get anything to cat.

(h) He hurriedly dug his fingers right at the middle of the dish.

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 2 weeks ago

English for Toady

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