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Read the following text and fill in each gap with a suitable word based on the information of the text:

21 February is a memorable day in our national history. We observe the day every year as international Mother Language Day. The day is a national holiday.

On this day, we pay tribute to the martyrs who laid down their lives to establish Bangla as a state language in undivided Pakistan in 1952. The struggle to achieve our language rights is known as the Language Movement. The seed of the Language Movement was sown on 21 March 1948 when Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the Governor General of Pakistan, declared in a public meeting in Dhaka that Urdu would be the only state language of Pakistan. The declaration raised a storm of protest all over the courtry. The protest continued non-stop, gathering momentum day by day. It turned into a movement and reached its climax in 1952. The government outlawed all sorts of public meetings and rallies to stop it.

The students of Dhaka University defined the law and brought out a peaceful protest procession on 21 February 1952. When the procession reached near Dhaka Medical College, the police opened fire on the students. killing Salam, Rafiq, Barkat, Safiur and Jabbar. As a result, there were mass protests all over the country and the government had to declare Bangla as a state language. This kindled the sparks of independence movement of Bangladesh.

21 February is an (a) ____ day in our national history. We observe the day with a view to (b) ____ respect to the language martyrs. The heroic sons of the soil sacrificed their lives for the (c) ____ of Bangla as one of the state languages of Pakistan. This sacrifice led the Banglalees to the (d) ____ movement of Bangladesh. In other (e) ____ language movement worked as the inspiration of our freedom.

Created: 3 months ago | Updated: 3 months ago

(a) important/essential 

(b) showing

(c) recognition/acceptance 

(d) independence

(e) words  

21 February is an (a)important/essential day in our national history. We observe the day with a view to (b) showing respect to the language martyrs. The heroic sons of the soil sacrificed their lives for the (c)  recognition/acceptance  of Bangla as one of the state languages of Pakistan. This sacrifice led the Banglalees to the (d) independence movement of Bangladesh. In other (e) words  language movement worked as the inspiration of our freedom.

3 months ago

English for Toady

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