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F ইউনিট || জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2017

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development economics
monetary economics
welfare economics
Meira Kumari
Deepak Nayar
Arun Thiruvengadam
Raghav Bahal
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
John Adams
Abraham Lincoln
individual landholders of Bengal
leader of landholders of Bengal
the Mughal Emperor
none of the above
state of the USA
an unincorporated territory of the USA
a colony of Spain
a Caribbean nation

"My God. it speaks" uttered the Emperor and the receiver of the telephone slipped from his hand and banged around. At the other end Alexander Graham Bell was still on line at an exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876. This strange instrument known as telephone was to revolutionize life in the years to come.
Bell was born in at Scotland. he was a teacher and, was dedicated to the noble cause of helping and teaching the deaf and the dumb to hear and speak before going to Canada in 1870 for a serious illness. he, thereafter, moved to the USA but continued with this work by opening a school for the deaf and the dumb.
Bell was fond of scientific and mechanical inventions. While at Boston. he tried to communicate through metal wire. His companion in this work was Watson. Watson was taken by a pleasant surprise as he had heard Bell clearly through his instrument the instrument was a success and Bel patented it.
Graham Bell. apart from being an artist, he was a kind human being. ready to help the needy. He established an institution for the deaf and dumb children. He died in 1922 in Canada. The entire northern America paid him a tribute by hanging up their telephones for a while during his funeral.

He was teaching the physically under privileged persons
He was working for the betterment of the deaf and the dumb
He established a school for the deaf and the dumb- the first of its kind
He was a very famous scientist of his times
Interaction between two persons at some distance was possible
Rich people were able to communicate with others
Graham Bell wanted to use the same technology for the deaf and the dumb to communicate
It revolutionized human life
Affect adversely
Develop gradually
Illuminate completely
Change drastically
His activity of teaching
His service to the deaf and dumb
He kept interest in scientific inventions
Encouragements received form Watson
demoted, awarded
consigned, gifted
upgraded, assigned
elevated, presented
Aboy who isA
constantly hesitating aboutb
which of any two tasksC
he will do first will ultimately do eitherD
The two sentences create a contrast
The second sentence locates the first in space
The first sentence establishes the cause of the second
The second sentence provides an example what is stated in the first