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C ইউনিট || জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2016

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she asked what I liked to take in lunch .
She asked what did I like to take in lunch?
she said what I liked to take in lunch.
She said what did I like to take in lunch?
good late evening
good late night
good night
good evening
M Mansur ALi
AHM Qamaruzzaman
Tajuddin Ahmad
Syed Nazrul Islam
the rescue operation of Rana plaza tragedy
the rescue of Gulshan hostage
the rescue operation of spectrum tragedy
Japan , West Germany , Russuia , Uk and USa
canada, china, France, Russia and USA
Germany, china Russia, Uk and USA
china, France, Russia , Uk and USa
By Woodrow Wilson
By plato
by Gladstone
By Machiavelli
At University of Dhaka
At Rajshahi University
At Jahangirnagar
At Khulna University
search engine
web address
email address
DR. Atiur Rahman
Fazle Kabir.
Sir Fazle Hasan abed
salman F. Rahman
Bridge and communication Ministry
The Ministry of Bridges
Ministry of Road transport
Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges
Louis Marius Moyroud
Johannes Gutenberg
Joseph Devito