Read the follow following passage carefully and give the answer to Question No. 98-100

Einstein was very simple in his ways of life and indifferent to his astounding fame. Once, the Queen of Belgium invited him to Brussels. When he got down from the train at Brussels, he could not think that there were actually many gorgeously dressed officials to receive him at the station. The officials also expected to see somebody who would appear to be rice and aristocratic to them. They never imagined that this shabby man would be Einstein himself. So they went back to the queen and informed her that he had not come by train. Einstein, however, walked the whole way with a suitcase in one hand and a violin in the other. When he reached the destination the queen said to him, “I sent a car for you”  Rd. Einstein. ‘I did not think, "replied the great scientist with a smile,”  that anybody would send a car for me. But I can assure you, I have greatly enjoyed the walk.'

What did officials expect to see the Scientist Einstein?

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago
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