Many people think that  Big Ben is the huge clock that towers  316 feet above the River Thames at Westminster. But strictly the deep-voiced bell which booms from the belfry at the top of 336 steep stairs. For fifteen years. in the last century, experts wrangled about the plans for parliament's prospective clock. Filially, Frederick Dent was appointed to make his masterpieces. But even then the job was not plain sailing. The original bell was cast in 1856, dragged over Westminster Bridge by sixteen white horses and hung on gallows in New Palace Yard for testing. Sadly, a crack was discovered, and the bell has to be re-cast. But, even today, a crack is still apparent. However, it is good to remember that although Big Ben was born in the controversy he was christened with laughter. During a House of Commons debate on a suitable name for London's new timekeeper, along speech was made by an immense member called out'  'why not call the clock Big Ben? 'So, in a good-humored roar. The thirteen and a-half -ton heavyweight was named for all time, and began public service in May 1859.

'A long speech was made by an immense member' . Here 'immense' means-

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 2 years ago
Updated: 2 years ago
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