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All Question - (486)

a verbose speech
a big speech
a maiden speech
an unimportant speech
a brief speech em
the feeling of hatred
the science of maleness
the belief inn life after death
the state of a desease likely to cause death
is extremely intelligent
is rich and helps the poor and the needy
studies philogy
understands the secret of life
Try every possible means
bring it about
acknowledge it
predict it
put up with it
accept it
to go far away
to get out of range
to get out of control
to get free
tolerate something
throw something away
postpone or cancel a meeting or an aengagement
hide something
Active person
Strong person
Difficult person

The Great Wall of China is the largest defense fortification and the greatest building enterprise ever undertaken by man. About 1500 miles long, this unique wall stretches from the Gulf of Chili of the Yellow 9০৪ along the northern frontier of China to Kans Province in the west. The width of this wall varies from 15 to 40 feet at the base, and from 12 to 35 feet at the summit. Its height ranges from 20 to 50 feet. This is the only structure on the earth that can be identified from the moon. Walled frontier between the kingdoms in China date from at least the 4th century BC. in the 3rd century BC, the first emperor of 'Ch 'in', after uniting China, linked up the existing walls and built new sections to create the Great Wall as a continuous unit. His purpose was to defend China from the Huns on the north. Watch towers and garrison stations were set at regular intervals in order to Send signals and guard the bulwark. The wall was constructed in such a way that troops summoned by beacon fire could be quickly 10 transported along its top. The wall was built mostly of rubble, although the western sections are of tamped earth and important passes are of brick or masonry. The wall was frequently modified in later centuries. Some of its sections were built in the 15th and 16th centuries with new facilities of high towers. Before that, extensive repairs and extensions were made at various periods, notably during the Ming dynasty.
a Chinese king
a kind who built the ‘Great Wall
the wall of the Ming
a family that reigns
the frontier of the Chinese kingdom.

In 1992, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that ten to twelve million adults and one million children worldwide had contracted HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and they estimated that by the twenty-first century, forty million people would be infected. If the current trends continue, however, that estimate will fall far short of actual numbers, which may reach one hundred ten million. Beside people with high-risk behavior such as homosexuals, female sex workers, truck drivers and injection rates have begun to increase m the general population In addition, there appears to be a change in the characteristics of; AIDS victims. In the 1980s, homosexual men in large urban areas?accounted for approximately two thirds of all AIDS cases. Women and children seemed to be on the periphery of the AIDS epidemic.But today almost ninety percent of new adult infections result from heterosexual contact. Consequetly, the rates of exposure and infection are rising for women, with an accompanying. rise in the number of children born to them with HIV. In the twenty-first century it is expected that the majority of AIDS victims will be heterosexual women and their young children.
general population
intravenous drug users
Female sex workers