Instruction: Answer all the question in the order they are laid out on the question paper 

01. Fifteen college seniors, none of whom took any math classes in college, were selected for t clinical trial. An online GRE Math Course was made available to them, and these students were allowed to study for however many hours they wanted. Then, each took the GRE for their first time. The graph below records how many hours each student studied, using the online material, and that student's GRE Quant score. The best fit line model shows the best prediction, given such a student's hours of study, of what her GRE Q score might be

For the students in this trial with the three highest, approximately what is the average number of hours they spend studying?

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

প্রশ্নে বলা হচ্ছে, জরিপের 3 জন সর্বোচ্চ স্কোরধারীর সর্বোচ্চ গড় Study এর সময় কত?

এখানে 165 স্কোরধারী দুইজনের Study hour হলো যথাক্রমে 28 এবং 45 ঘণ্টা 

আর তৃতীয় জনের স্কোর হলো 155 যার Study hour হলো 43.

তাদের গড় Study hour হলো = 28+43+453=38.5 ঘণ্টা

1 year ago


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