I don't want to get old. No one wants to age, but aging is inevitable. Time gives us wrinkles, a bent posture, and fragile bones. It makes us insecure, forgetful, and fearful. The elderly can easily become a burden to the families they once provided for and protected. The children who once vied for their parents, attention are now so consumed with their own affairs that they hardly every visit. For many elderly people, the stench of ammonia in hospital-like atmosphere of a nursing home is worse than death. To some, it signifies than death. To some it signifies loneliness, cruelty and abandonment. With all the turmoil involved in the aging process, it is no wonder that we are becoming a nation of frightened adults, forever searching for that magical youth serum from the elusive fountain of youth. (Translate into Bangla)

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

English 1st Paper

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