A car dealer received a shipment of cars, half of which were black, with the remainder consisting of equal numbers of blue, silver and white cars. During the next month, 70 percent. of the black cars, 80 percent of the blue cars, 30 percent of the silver cars and 40 percent of the white cars were sold. What percent of the cars in the shipment were sold during that month?


Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

Let, the number of total cars is 60

Whereas, the number of black cars is 30

And the number of blue cars is 10

And the number of silver cars is 10

And the number of white cars is 10

Total car initially = 30 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 60

During the next month, Black cars sold 70% of 30=21

Blue cars sold 80% of 10=8 Silver cars sold 30% of 10=3

White cars sold 40% of 10 = 4 The number of sold cars = 21+8+3+4=36

The percentage of cars in the shipment were sold during that month=(3660×100)%=60%

Answer: 60%

1 year ago



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