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Twentieth century marked a turning point In our realisation for protection of mankind. It was evident more than ever before that advancement In science In the form of rapid Industrialisation has given rise to severe atmospheric degradation. Emission of Green House Gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere of our planes Earth. due to unabated race for growth and development by developed economies, Is the root cause of global warming. Developed as well as developing nations are now facing increased natural calamities like cyclones, floods, droughts etc. being caused due to global warming induced climate change. Climate change incidences have become global concerns for the whole of mankind. For addressing this, global leaders resolved under the auspices of United Nations to reduce emissions of GHGs to minimize global warming which, in its turn will help protect mankind from adverse Impacts of climate change. Bangladesh and other coastal and Island nations are most vulnerable to climate change In extreme events. As such, Bangladesh, along wing other climate vulnerable developing nations should move all UN bodies to make developed economies to cut GHGs emissions to required levels for a cooler planet, Earth. (Translate into Bangla)

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago

English 1st Paper

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