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Revenue Budget

All Question - (26)

Import duty
Income tax
Value added tax
External debt
value-added tax
income tax
tax on land
import tax
None of these
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 3 years ago
Updated: 3 years ago
Corporate tax
Custom duty
All are sources of Govt. revenue
None of these
Created: 6 years ago |
Created: 6 years ago |
Corporate tax
Custom Duty
All of these
None of these
Investment Income
Share trading
Deposit Collection
None of these
Import Duty
Export Duty
Value Added Tax
Income Tax
None of these
Created: 6 years ago |
Created: 6 years ago |
Value added tax
Customs duty
Foreign remittance
Income tax
Created: 6 years ago |
Created: 6 years ago |
Income Tax
Corporate Tax
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Capital Gain Tax
Excise Duty
Created: 6 years ago |
Created: 6 years ago |
Corporate Tax
Custom duty
All are source of Govt. revenue