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All Written Question


Write a paragraph on 'Chalanbil of Natore' 

Created: 1 month ago | Updated: 1 month ago
Updated: 1 month ago

Chalan Beel of Natore

Chalan Beel, one of the largest wetlands in Bangladesh, extends across the districts of Natore, Sirajganj, and Pabna. It is a vast inland depression with rich biodiversity, supporting a variety of flora and fauna. The beel is fed by 47 rivers and other waterways, making it an essential part of the region’s hydrology. Over time, silt deposition has significantly reduced its size. Historically, shifting river courses, particularly of the Padma and Teesta, played a crucial role in shaping this wetland. The construction of railway embankments in the early 1900s disrupted natural drainage patterns, affecting the ecosystem. Additionally, excessive pesticide use, commercial overfishing, and infrastructure development have contributed to environmental degradation. Despite these challenges, Chalan Beel remains a vital ecological and economic resource for the people of Natore, providing fish, irrigation, and natural beauty. Conservation efforts are essential to preserve this unique wetland for future generations.

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The Deputy Commissioner
Natore District
Natore, Bangladesh

Subject: Joining Letter for the Post of [Job Title]

Respected Sir,

I am pleased to inform you that I have been selected for the post of [Job Title] under your esteemed office. I am sincerely grateful for this opportunity and am eager to contribute to the development and administration of Natore district.

As per the appointment letter issued on [Appointment Date], I hereby formally submit my joining letter and am ready to assume my duties from [Joining Date]. I assure you of my dedication, honesty, and hard work in fulfilling my responsibilities to the best of my abilities.

I kindly request you to accept my joining letter and provide the necessary instructions regarding my role and responsibilities. I look forward to working under your guidance and serving the people of Natore.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Name]
[Your Signature]