Part A: Reading

Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Being an exemplary citizen entails actively contributing to the welfare of one's community and nation. It transcends mere adherence to laws; it involves a conscious effort to foster positive change and promote the common good.

A cornerstone of responsible citizenship is participation in the democratic process, particularly through voting. By casting a ballot, citizens exercise their power to influence the selection of leaders who will shape policies and governance for the benefit of society. Furthermore, law-abiding behaviour and the timely payment of taxes are vital duties. These contributions fund essential public services, such as the construction of educational institutions, infrastructure, and healthcare facilities, which are the backbone of a thriving society.

Environmental stewardship is another critical aspect of good citizenship. This includes conserving natural resources, maintaining cleanliness in public spaces, and advocating for sustainable practices like recycling. By respecting diverse cultures and beliefs, good citizens foster a more inclusive and harmonious society, where mutual understanding and cooperation prevail.

Moreover, civic responsibility extends to aiding others in the community. This can be demonstrated through volunteerism, assisting those in need, or supporting local businesses. Engaged citizens recognize the value of education and take steps to promote lifelong learning, both for themselves and for others, understanding that an informed populace is essential for societal progress.

Lastly, maintaining one's health and well-being is a civic duty that cannot be overlooked. A healthy citizenry contributes to the overall vitality of the community. This responsibility involves adopting healthy eating habits, staying physically active, and managing stress effectively. By prioritizing these aspects, citizens ensure that they are capable of contributing positively to society, thereby enhancing the quality of life for everyone within the community.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives.

How do good citizens contribute to a more inclusive society?

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Updated: 1 week ago
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