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সপ্তম শ্রেণি (মাধ্যমিক) - ইংরেজী - NCTB BOOK

A Dream School

New vocabulary: Available, Tiny, Bin, Facility, Unfortunate, Improve, Remove, Vacation, Muddy road.

WordMeaningExample SentenceYour Sentence
AvailableReady for use (সুলভMany videos are available to develop our listening skills on YouTube. 
TinyVery small (ক্ষুদ্র)My room is tiny but cosy. 
BinA container to put rubbish (আবর্জনা জড়ো করে রাখার পাত্র)Always throw the rubbish in the bin. 
FacilitySomething that makes work easier (সুযোগ সুবিধা)The library has all the facilities to read as many books as you like. 
UnfortunateUnlucky (হতভাগ্য)It is very unfortunate that I couldn't join the picnic. 
ImproveBecome better/develop (উন্নত করা বা হওয়া)Try to improve your computer skills. 
RemoveDelete/Take out (অপসারণ করা)To be a better speaker, you have to remove your shyness. 
VacationHoliday/A time when someone does not go to work or school and free to do what they want (ছুটির দিন)In summer vacation, I will go to my village home. 
Muddy roadA road that is covered in mud.(কর্দমাক্ত রাস্তা)The roads will be muddy as it is raining outside. 


Playing With the Words

New vocabulary: Scold, Supportive, Create, Remove, Permit, Unlike, Instead, Seem, Likewise.

ScoldTo find fault angrily (তিরস্কার করা)If I am late today, my mother will surely scold me. 
SupportiveTo give help (সহায়ক)My parents are the greatest support system on earth for me. 
CreateTo make or produce (সৃষ্টি)Please don't create any new problems. 
RemoveTo take something away from somewhere (অপসারণ করা)Please remove all the unused things from the table. 
PermitOfficially allow to do | something (অনুমতি)Our headteacher permits us to organize a tree plantation program. 
UnlikeNot similar to (অন্যরকম)Unlike you, I am not a great reciter. 
InsteadAn alternative (পরিবর্তে )Try to make friends instead of enemies. 
SeemAppear to be true (মনে হওয়া)It seems that you are thrilled today. 
LikewiseIn the same way (একইভাবে)She is our leader and likewise our friend. 



New vocabulary: Universal, Meaningful, Climb up, Wonder, Impact, Eventually, Multiple, Terrible, Error, Willingly.

UniversalInvolving everyone in the world (সার্বজনীন)English is like a universal language. 
MeaningfulImportant (অর্থপূর্ণ)The awareness program turned out very meaningful to all. 
Climb upGo up (আরোহণ)I can't climb up trees. 
WonderSurprise (আশ্চর্য)I wonder how long it's going to take. 
ImpactEffect (প্রভাব)Can you imagine the terrible impact of environmental pollution on us? 
EventuallyIn the end ( অবশেষে )Eventually, I did better in the final examination. 
MultipleMore than one (একাধিক)The word 'bank' has multiple meanings. 
TerribleExtremely bad (ভয়ানক)The trip has been cancelled because of the terrible weather. 
ErrorA mistake (ভুল)Don't make the same errors every time. 
WillinglyTo do something happily (স্বেচ্ছায়)I will willingly accept your proposal. 


The Frog and The Ox

New vocabulary: Related, Sibling, Passionate, Encourage, Pride, Reply, Compare, Scenic, Patient, Leisure time.

RelatedConnected by reason or | origin (সম্পর্কিত)As a member of the debating club, we are related to each other. 
SiblingBrother or sister (ভাইবোন)I am the youngest of five siblings. 
PassionateHaving or showing strong feelings (আবেগপ্রবণ/ উত্সাহী)My brother is passionate about animal rights. 
EncourageGive support, hope and confidence (অনুপ্রাণিত করা)My English teacher always encourages us to speak in English. 
PrideA feeling of being better than others. (অহঙ্কার/ গর্ব)As a nation, we pride ourselves on our hospitality. 
ReplyAnswer/respond (উত্তর দেওয়া)He replied with a simple and straight answer to my question. 
CompareLook for the similarities and differences between | persons or things (তুলনা করা)Never compare your friends with you because everyone is unique. 
ScenicBeautiful natural | scenery (মনোরম প্রাকৃতিক দৃশ্য)The country around here is very scenic. 
PatientAble to wait without becoming angry (ধৈর্যশীল)It is difficult to be patient when you are stuck in a long traffic jam. 
Leisure timeThe time when you are relaxed and enjoy | yourself (অবসর সময়)In my leisure time, I love to read books. 


Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

New vocabulary: Take part, Heavy, heart, Tear, Hug, Wicked, Surprise, Narrator, Explicitly, Hatred, Display.

Take partJoin or to be involved in an activity (অংশগ্রহণ করা)We are here to join a drawing competition. 
Heavy heartFeeling very sad (দুঃখ ভারাক্রান্ত)Last night, my uncle left the country with a heavy heart. 
TearA drop of salty liquid that flows from the eye when you are sad (অশ্রু)I can tell you I won't shed tears in our last class. 
HugTo hold someone close to your body with your arms (আলিঙ্গন)Have you hugged your parents today? 
WickedEvil/morally wrong (দুষ্ট)

Be aware of the wicked persons!

They are everywhere.

SurpriseAstonish/ something unexpected (আশ্চর্য)On my last birthday, my friends arranged a surprise birthday party. 
NarratorA person who tells an event, story, or experience (বর্ণনাকারী)Sometimes in a story, a narrator tells the readers the whole story. 
ExplicitlyExpressed or shown clearly and openly, without any attempt to hide anything (স্পষ্টভাবে)The uses of different kinds of sentences are described explicitly in the book. 
HatredA strong dislike (ঘৃণা)I have decided to stick with love. So, from now on no hatred for anyone. 
DisplayA collection of objects or pictures arranged for people to look at (প্রদর্শন)We are going to arrange a display with all our pictures for the 'Earth Day' celebration. 


A Good Reader

New vocabulary: Strategy, Reason, Swift, Chew, Endanger, Mention, Guess, Consist of, Camouflage, Escape, Recognize.

StrategyA plan to achieve a goal (কৌশল)"To read the question paper attentively' is a strategy to do well in the examination. 
ReasonTo tell why something happens (কারণ)Tell me the reason for your sadness. 
SwiftQuick or without delay (দ্রুত)How swift he works! 
ChewTo bite and grind with the teeth (চিবানো )Don't bite off more than you can chew. 
EndangerTo expose someone to danger (বিপন্ন/ বিপাস্ত করা)You will endanger your health if you stay awake late at night. 
MentionTo say something during a conversation, but not discuss it much or give many details. (উল্লেখ করা)Our group leader mentioned our names before presenting our group work. 
GuessGive an opinion without knowing whether it is correct or not (অনুমান করা)If you don't know, guess the meaning of the words from the text. 
Consist ofTo be made up of (গঠিত হওয়া)The mug consists of ceramic. 
CamouflageThe hiding of something by covering it up or changing the way it looks (ছদ্মবেশ)The rabbit's white fur acts as a camouflage in the snow. 
EscapeRun away (পালিয়ে যাওয়া/পরিত্রাণ)I was extremely lucky to escape from a fatal accident. 
RecognizeTo acknowledge formally/Identify (চিনতে পারা)I must recognise my strength in order to choose the right career. 


Using Verbs Easily

New vocabulary: Refer, contaminated, Nearby, Seller, Customer. Spacious, Shelter, Inspire, Happen, Ornament.

ReferTo mention someone or something when you are speaking or writing (উল্লেখ করা)My parents always referred to my uncle as 'an honest man. 
ContaminatedPoisonous (বিষাক্ত)The Buriganga river is contaminated with waste. 
NearbyNot far away (কাছাকাছি)Every evening we play football on the nearby field. 
SellerA person who sells (বিক্রেতা)A good seller can read the mind of a customer. 
CustomerA person who buys (ক্রেতা)My mother is one of the regular customers of the nearby grocery shop. 
SpaciousHaving a lot of space (প্রশস্ত)We have a spacious computer room in our school. 
ShelterA place that provides protection (আশ্রয়)Trees give us shelter. So, we should not cut trees. 
InspireTo make someone feel that if they want they can do it (অনুপ্রাণিত করা)My parents always inspire me to respect others' opinions. 
HappenTake place/Occur (ঘটা)How on earth did this happen? 
OrnamentA useful accessory that is used to be more attractive (অলঙ্কার; গহনা)The students ornamented the poster with little drawings in the margin. 


Heroes of Bengal

New vocabulary: Placement, Monitor, Unmindful, Watch station, Console, Deadly, Task, Accordingly, Martyr, Lemonade.

PlacementPut something in a place or position (রাখা)We are talking about the placement of my reading table in my room. 
MonitorTo check or observe the development of someone or something (উপদেশক/ শিক্ষক)A teacher always monitors the progress of the students and offers help accordingly. 
UnmindfulNot being careful about something (আনমনা / অমনোযোগী)Nobody should be unmindful of health. 
Watch stationA place from where something is observed (ঘাঁটি)In September 1971, Badal with a group of freedom. fighters attacked an army watch station at Jatrabari. 
ConsoleTo give comfort and sympathy to someone who is sad or disappointed (সান্তনা দেওয়া)My friends tried to console me by telling me that things could be much worse.. 
DeadlyDangerous (মারাত্মক / সাংঘাতিক)The headteacher spoke with deadly seriousness against copying in the examination. 
TaskA piece of work to be done (করণীয় কাজ)It is not an easy task to learn. 
AccordinglyIn a way that is suitable or right for the situation (অনুসারে)We have to follow our teacher's instructions and do accordingly. 
MartyrA person who sacrifices something of great value like his life for the freedom of his country (শহীদ)We should show proper respect to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the independence of our country. 
LemonadeA drink that is made from lemons, sugar, and water (চিনির জল ও লেবুর রসের শরবত)On these hot summer days, I just need cold lemonade. 


Knowing Our Parents

New vocabulary: Biography, Chronologically, Remarkable,  Anatomy, Various, Genocide, Contribution, Shed,  Advice, Identity.

BiographyWritten history of a person's life ( জীবন-কাহিনী)We can learn many things by reading the biographies of successful people. 
ChronologicallyArranged according to the order of time. (কালানুক্রমে)The book is divided chronologically into three parts 
Remarkable(উল্লেখযোগ্য/লক্ষণীয়)After joining the language club, I can feel the remarkable change within myself. 
AnatomyThe study of the structure of an animal (দৈহিক গঠনতন্ত্র)I am very curious to know about human anatomy. 
VariousDifferent from one another (বিভিন্ন)There are various ways to get to my school. 
GenocideThe systematic killing of a whole nation (গণহত্যা)The Bangladesh genocide of 1971 was one of the most destructive ones in world history. 
ContributionTo do to help produce or achieve something (অবদান)Every little contribution can bring a significant change. 
ShedTo emit and let fall (ঝরান)Our freedom fighters shed their blood for the independence of the country. 
AdviceGuidance about what someone should do (উপদেশ)We should follow the advice of our elders. 
IdentityThe set of qualities that make one person different from others ( পরিচয়)My friend identified the cat as her lost pet. 


Freedom of Choice

New vocabulary: Science Fiction, Barrier, Unique, Diversity, Tolerant, Mock. Preference, Annoyed, Ashamed, Opinion.

Science FictionA genre of literature whose content is imaginative, but based in science (কল্পবিজ্ঞান)I love to read science fiction. 
BarrierA rule, law, or policy that makes it difficult or impossible for something to happen or be achieved (বাধা)Language difference is still a barrier between my relationship with my foreign friend. 
UniqueSpecial/only one of its kind (অনন্য)You have a unique smile. 
DiversityThings which are different from each other (বৈচিত্র্য)Bangladesh is a country of rich cultural diversity. 
TolerantHaving the ability to accept the differences of opinions and beliefs (সহনশীল)We should be more tolerant of each others' opinions. 
MockTo laugh at someone, often by copying them in a funny but unkind way (উপহাস করা)You shouldn't mock other people's beliefs. 
PreferenceLiking one thing more than another ( পছন্দ)To be a good human being is my first preference in life. 
AnnoyedAngry (বিরক্ত )I was so annoyed with my sister for turning up late. 
AshamedFeeling shame, guilt or disgrace (লজ্জিত )I felt deeply ashamed of my impoliteness. 
OpinionAn idea or belief of a person (মতামত)'Playing cricket is more exciting than football' is my personal opinion. 


Let's Explore the Sentences

New vocabulary: Explore, Blessing, Characteristic, Deny. Express, Knock, Overwhelmed, Cherish, Glimpse.

ExploreTo search and discover (about something) (অনুসন্ধান করা)After reaching Cox's Bazar, I decided to explore the city. 
BlessingProtection and help offered by God ( আশীর্বাদ)Rivers are blessings for our country. 
CharacteristicA noticeable quality of someone or something (বৈশিষ্ট্য)The only characteristic I got from my father is his dark eyes. 
DenyRefusing to admit or accept something (অস্বীকার করা)As a child you can't deny your duties towards your parents. 
ExpressTo show a feeling or idea ( প্রকাশ করা )I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for their support. 
KnockMake a repeated sound to attract others' attention (দরজার কড়া নাড়া)We better knock on his door. 
OverwhelmedHaving a strong emotional effect on (অভিভূত)I became overwhelmed with joy getting such a nice birthday gift. 
CherishTo keep something pleasant in mind for a long time. (লালন করা)I cherish the memories of the last year's school picnic. 
GlimpseTo see something or someone for a very short time (ক্ষণিকের জন্য দেখতে পাওয়া)This biography offers a few glimpses of my mother's colourful life. 


Subha's Promise

New vocabulary: Laugh, Shine, Belief, Fragrance, Chore, Memorial, Complex, Altar, Resist, Wounded.

LaughA body movement to express joy and happiness/smile (হাসা)Laugh to keep your heart healthy. 
ShineTo reflect light (দীপ্তি)My teacher wrote on my notepad," You are a star. Let yourself shine!" 
BeliefTrust / faith ( বিশ্বাস)It's my belief that honesty is the key to happiness. 
FragranceA pleasant, sweet smell (সুবাস)I like the flower, 'Jasmine' for its light and fresh fragrance. 
ChoreThe regular or daily light household work (টুকিটাকি কাজ)I have to do some household chores every day like watering plants, feeding the pets etc. 
MemorialA statue or structure to honour a person or event (স্মৃতিসৌধ)Every year people visit the National Memorial at Savar to pay respect to the martyrs. 
ComplexA large building with various connected rooms (ভবন)Recently a large shopping complex has been built in our area. 
AltarA raised place where people keep flowers to show their respect (বেদী)I got surprised to see the huge flowers placed at the altar of the Shaheed Minar. 
ResistFighting against (প্রতিহত করা)The call to join the get-together party is hard to resist. 
WoundedInjured (আহত)The wounded persons are immediately taken to the hospital. 


Be The Best of Whatever You Are

New vocabulary: Suitable, Appreciate, Later, Previous, Continue, Infer, Prompt, Bet, Astronaut.

SuitableBeing right or correct for a particular situation. or person (উপযুক্ত)In summer, this dress is not a suitable choice. 
AppreciateTo be grateful (প্রশংসা করা)We all appreciate our teacher's contribution to our lives. 
LaterAfter (পরে )I will talk to you later. 
PreviousBefore in time (আগে)We have met before on two previous occasions. 
ContinueTo go on or keep on (চালিয়ে যাওয়া)Don't make your heart heavy, rather continue your excellent work. 
InferTo guess (অনুমান)Try to infer whose picture it is. 
PromptDo something at once or without delay (শীঘ্র)I am grateful to my friend for his prompt response. 
BetRisk something on a future event (বাজি)I bet he will return soon! 
AstronautA person who has been trained for traveling in space (মহাকাশচারী)My dream is to be an astronaut. 


Our Language Movement

New vocabulary: Memory, Frequently, Entrance, Agreement, Memorable, Declaration, Preserve, Outraged, Significant.

MemorySomething that you remember from the past (স্মৃতি)I have vivid memories of my first day at school. 
FrequentlyOften/many times (বারংবার)We frequently visit the bookstore. 
EntranceA door or gate by which you can enter a building or place (প্রবেশদ্বার)There are two entrances in our school. 
AgreementA decision between two or more groups or people (চুক্তি)My mother signed an agreement to buy the house. 
MemorableSomething special and enjoyable/ worth remembering (স্মরণীয়)My first train journey was a memorable event in my life. 
DeclarationAnnouncement (ঘোষণা)At last, the declaration of the public examination was published. 
PreserveTo protect or keep something as it is (সংরক্ষণ করা)My mother does everything possible to preserve peace in the family. 
OutragedExtremely angry or furious (বিরক্ত/অত্যাচার করা)The workers were outraged at the way they had been treated yesterday. 
SignificantHaving a special meaning (উল্লেখযোগ্য)16 December is a significant day in the history of Bangladesh. 


Write to Make Aware

New vocabulary: Feature, Find out, Relative, Description. Communication, Aware, Publish, Receiver, Formal, Surrounding.

WordMeaningExample sentenceYour sentence
FeatureCharacteristic (বৈশিষ্ট্য)Now, I can tell three characteristics of a poem. 
Find outTo learn about something/ Discover (খুঁজে বের করা)Find out how many poems are there in your book. 
RelativeA person who is connected with another by blood or marriage/ A member of your family (আত্মীয়)All my relatives are invited to my sister's wedding. 
DescriptionTo tell about someone or something (বর্ণনা)I like the detailed description of your family in the paragraph. 
CommunicationThe act of giving, receiving and sharing information (যোগাযোগ)Learning English develops my communication skill. 
AwareHaving knowledge or experience of a particular thing (অবগত, সচেতন)Make your friends aware of environmental pollution. 
PublishTo print (ছাপানো, মুদ্রিত করা)My school magazine has already been published. 
ReceiverA person who receives something (যে গ্রহণ করে)My mother is more of a giver than a receiver. 
FormalTo do something officially (আনুষ্ঠানিক)'Yours sincerely' is a formal way of ending a letter. 
SurroundingEverything that is around or near you (চতুষ্পার্শ্বে অবস্থিত)We should keep our surroundings clean. 


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