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সপ্তম শ্রেণি (মাধ্যমিক) - ইংরেজী - NCTB BOOK

New Vocabulary: Memory, Frequently, Entrance, Agreement, Memorable, Declaration, Preserve, Outraged, Significant.

14.1 Read the following page from Shaoli's diary and list the underlined sentences in the appropriate column in pairs/groups. Also, describe your reason. One is done for you.

শাওলীর ডায়েরী থেকে নিচের পাতাটি পড়ো ও চিহ্নিত বাক্যগুলো যথাযথভাবে তালিকাবদ্ধ করো এবং তোমার কাজের যৌক্তিকতা বর্ণনা করো। তোমাদের জন্য একটি সমাধান করে দেওয়া হলো।

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Shaoli's school remained closed for almost 2 years and she was out of her dear school campus. She returned to school on 20th January 2022. It was a special memory for her. She wrote her memory of that day in her diary. The following write-up is from her diary.


20 January 2022

Sunday, 9 pm

Today was a happy day for me. I was so excited to meet my teachers and friends. In the early morning, 1) I got ready for school. After long days I was in my school again. The school looked new to me. 2) The school building was painted white and pink, with my favourite colours. The classrooms were arranged and decorated with colourful pictures

and posters. Everything looked so neat! I noticed that 3) many posters were hung on different walls. Different wise saying were written on different posters. Among them, I like this one most- "Don't worry anymore. You are now at our door". It gave me a kind of courage to face the situation. 4) We were asked to wear musk and wash our hands frequently.5) Our headteacher welcomed us at the entrance. After entering school,6) I met my friends. At first, they looked un- known to me. But, within a few minutes, we got our old selves and shared all the stories kept inside us. During the tiffin break, 7) special tiffin was served and 8) I spent a really good time with my teachers and friends. I feel that everything will be normal very soon!

The focus of the sentence is on the doer or subjectThe focus of the sentence is on the action

Example sentence:

She wrote her memory of that Example sentence: day in her diary.

Reason: Here the focus is on who wrote the memory.

Example sentence:

The school building was painted white and pink.

Reason: Here the focus is on the painting not who did the painting.



14.2 Read the given note in the box. নিচের নোটটি পড়ো।



The term 'voice' describes the relationship between the verb, the subject and the object of a sentence.

We use active or passive voice to emphasize the different parts of a sentence. In an active voice, the emphasis is given to the subject (doer) of a sentence. For example, Shaoli wrote her memory. Here the focus is on "who wrote her memory'. And that's why it is an active voice. F

The sentence has the following structure:

This (S+V+O) is the most common structure in English that we all are

familiar with.

On the other hand, in a passive voice, the focus is on the result of an action rather than the person or thing doing it. For example, the passive sentence of "Shaoli wrote her memory." will be - "Her memory was written by Shaoli." The sentence has the following structure:

Here, the focus is on 'her memory was written' more than who wrote the memory. And that's why it's a passive voice.


14.3 Now, identify the sentences in the following table as active or passive. And write why you think the sentences are active or passive voice. One is done for you.

এবার নিচের বাক্যগুলোকে বাচ্যভেদে আলাদা করো এবং উত্তরের স্বপক্ষে কারণ প্রদর্শন করো। তোমাদের সুবিধার্থে একটি সমাধান করে দেওয়া হলো।

SentenceActive or Passive?Why active/passive voice?
1) I got ready for school.ActiveBecause the subject (I) is active in the sentence. She did the action got ready for school.
2) The school building was painted white and pink.  
3) Many posters were hung on different walls.  
4) We were asked to wear musk and wash our hands frequently.  
5) Our headteacher welcomed us at the entrance.  
6) I met my friends.  
7) Special tiffin was served.  
8) I spent a really good time with my teachers and friends.  


14.4 Time to learn more about Voice! এবার বাচ্য সম্পর্কে নতুন কিছু শেখার পালা।

Rules to change active to passive:

1. A passive sentence is formed by changing the order of the active sentence. So, the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence. And in a passive sentence, the subject of the active sentence becomes an agent who/which receives the action.

2. Notice these sentences-

Active voice: Shaoli wrote her memory.

Passive voice: Her memory was written by Shaoli.

Here, the verb 'wrote' has now been changed to 'was written'. Both ’wrote' and 'was written' are the past tense because when we write the passive sentence we don't change the tense of the sentence. We use the 'be verb' in the same tense as the original sentence and add the past participle of the main verb. The rules of using 'be verb'( helping verb) in passive voice are different for each tense. Have a look at the following chart with the verb 'cook'-

TenseActive voicePassive voice
Present IndefiniteMy mother cooks the best chicken in the world.The best chicken in the world is cooked by my mother.
Present ContinuousMy mother is cooking the best chicken in the world.The best chicken in the world is being cooked by my mother.
Present PerfectMy mother has cooked the best chicken in the world.The best chicken in the world has been cooked by my mother.
Past IndefiniteMy mother cooked the best chicken in the world.The best chicken in the world was cooked by my mother.
Past ContinuousMy mother was cooking the best chicken in the world.The best chicken in the world was being cooked by my mother.
Past PerfectMy mother had cooked the best chicken in the world.The best chicken in the world had been cooked by my mother.
Future IndefiniteMy mother will cook the best chicken in the world.The best chicken in the world will be cooked by my mother.

3. Also notice that the form of the 'be verb' must maintain the subject-verb agreement with the new subject. As in the following sentences-

As eid gifta dress……………………………………………………….was received by Pushpita.
two dresses…………………………………………..were received

'a dress was received 'but when it is two dresses it will be two dresses were received.


14.5 More to read! আরো কিছু পড়ি।

To change an active sentence to a passive sentence, you must identify the object of a verb.

The object of a verb is the receiver of the action done by the verb. To find the object, ask whom and what to the verb, and you will get the object.

Let's find the subject and object of the following sentence-

Pushpita draws pictures.

If you ask the verb- who draws? you will get the subject.

And if you ask the verb - draws what? you will get the object. 

Now, tell what are the subject and object of the sentence.

Your answer:………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Sometimes, a sentence has more than one object, one is direct and the other is indirect. For example-

SubjectVerbIndirect ObjectDirect Object
Pushpitagiftsher fatherone of her drawings.

In this sentence, ’her father' is the ’Indirect object' and 'one of her drawings' is the 'Direct Object'. You can choose any object of the two to be the subject in the passive voice depending on what you want to emphasize.

In the meantime, you all know that the subject of an active voice becomes the object of a passive voice. If the subject is a noun(name), it remains the same in the object form. But, if the subject is a pronoun, it changes its form. For example-

Active voice- I help my mother.

Passive voice- My mother is helped by me.

So, the subject 'I' will be 'me' in the passive voice. Likewise-

We will be us, he will be him, she will be her, they will be them, it and you will remain the same.


14.6 Now, read the notes on Voice again and circle the correct answers in pairs/groups:

নোটগুলো আবার পড়ো এবং সঠিক উত্তর শনাক্ত করো।

a. Voice tells us the relationship between ____.

i) Noun, pronoun and verb     ii) Subject, pronoun and verb    iii) Subject, verb and object


b. In active voice, the focus is on ____.

i) who is doing?       ii) what is doing?       iii) how is doing?


c. To write an active sentence, which sentence structure will you follow?

i) S+O+V        ii) S+V+O       iii) O+V+S


d. To write a passive sentence, which sentence structure will you follow?

i) S+Agent+V         ii) Agent+S+V       iii) S+V+Agent


e. The ___ of an active voice becomes the ___ of a passive voice.

i) Subject, object      ii) Object, subject      iii) Agent, subject


f. In a passive voice, the main verb is always in the ___.

i) Present perfect     ii) Past perfect      iii) past participle


g. In a past continuous tense passive voice, the auxiliary verb 'was' will be changed into-

i) was been     ii) was being      iii) was being been


h. To find the object of a verb, you will ask the verb to ___.

i) who and whom     ii) what and who     iii) what and whom


i. 'My father' is a/an ___ object.

i) direct     ii) indirect     iii) auxiliary


j. The object form of 'they' will be-

i) their     ii) them     iii) those


14.7 Now, read the text given below and match the words with their meanings in the following table in pairs/groups.

এখন, নিচের অনুচ্ছেদটি পড়ো এবং দলগত বা জোড়ায় জোড়ায় টেবিলের শব্দার্থগুলো মিল করো।

1) 21 February is observed with pride in Bangladesh. This day is memorable for the language movement that took place in 1952. Then, 2) Bangladesh was known as East Pakistan. After the British rule was over/ after the partition of 1947, 3)the Pakistani rulers declared Urdu as the only state language. Majority of the people of East Pakistan who spoke Bangla as their Mother language could not accept this declaration and started protesting. Soon after, the protest eventually turned into a movement with the participation of people from every stage of life.

In 1952, the movement reached its peak. On 21 February of that year, a group led by the students took out a procession on the roads of Dhaka breaking the curfew imposed by the ruler and demanding Bangla to be declared one of the state languages of Pakistan. When the procession reached Dhaka medical college,4) police fired bullets at the peaceful group of protesters. Many had been wounded and many had died including Salam, Zabbar, Rafiq, Shafiq, Barqat. 5) This made the whole nation outraged and the movement became stronger. Finally, 6) the ruler was compelled to declare Bangla as one of the state languages of Pakistan. After then, 21 February became the National Martyrs' Day to commemorate the language movement and those who laid down their lives for the right of their mother language.

The movement was so significant that 7) the whole world acknowledged it. This was the first incident in world history that 8) people sacrificed their lives for their mother language rights. This movement led the nation toward the liberation war that took place in 1971. 9) Eventually, the sacrifice of the language warriors was recognized all over the world. In 1999, UNESCO has declared this day to be observed worldwide as the International Mother Language Day to pay respect to all the mother languages and to preserve those. The essence of this day is tied closely to the identities of every nation and the mother languages.

1) Protesta) A group of people move forward in line
2) Eventuallyb) A fighter who shows great courage
3) Peakc) Forced to do something
4) Processiond) To show or express strong disagreement
5) Woundede) In the end
6) Outragedf) Injured
7) Compelledg) The highest point
8) Commemorateh) Known or accepted by many people
9) Acknowledgedi) A feeling of anger and shock
10) Warriorj) To show honour to the memory of an important event in a special way


14.8 Now, read the passage again and ask and answer the following questions in pairs/groups. Later, share your answers with the whole class.

অনুচ্ছেদটি পুনরায় পড়ো এবং জোড়ায় জোড়ায় অথবা দলগতভাবে প্রশ্নোত্তর করতে থাকো। এরপর তোমাদের উত্তর ক্লাসের সবার সাথে শেয়ার করো।

a) In which language did the majority of the people of East Pakistan speak? 

b) Against which declaration did the people of East Pakistan start protesting? 

c) What happened on 21st February 1952? 

d) Did any other country sacrifice lives for their mother tongue? 

e) When was 21st February declared as 'International Mother Language Day'? 

f) Do you observe 'International Mother Language Day' at school? If yes, why do you observe?


14.9 Now in pairs/groups, read the passage again and list the underlined sentences in the right column and change them into the opposite voice (active-passive or passive to active). Then, exchange your copies with other pairs/groups to check. One is done for you.

অনুচ্ছেদে চিহ্নিত বাক্যগুলোকে সঠিক কলামে লেখে তাদের বাচ্য পরিবর্তন করো। (অ্যাকটিভ থেকে প্যাসিভ বা প্যাসিভ থেকে অ্যাকটিভে রূপান্তর করো)। এরপর খাতা নিজেদের মাঝে পরিবর্তন করো এবং উত্তর মূল্যায়ন করো। তোমাদের জন্য একটি করে দেওয়া হলো।

Active VoicePassive voice
1) People observe 21 February with pride in Bangladesh.1) 21 February is observed with pride in Bangladesh.


14.10 Work in a group of 5-6.

Read the situations given below. Then discuss the focus of the situations (what is important here to talk about the doer or the action? Will you use active or passive sentences?) Later, describe them using active or passive voice. And tell your reason to choose the voice.

পাঁচ-ছয়জন করে দলে ভাগ হয়ে যাও। নিচের ঘটনাগুলো পড়ো। এরপর ঘটনাগুলোর কেন্দ্রবিন্দু নিয়ে আলোচনা কর (কর্তা নাকি কর্ম কোনটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ? তুমি কি এ্যাকটিভ বাক্য ব্যবহার করবে নাকি প্যাসিভ বাক্য?) এবার বাচ্য ব্যবহার করে ঘটনাগুলোকে বিষদভাবে বর্ণনা করো, এবং কোন বাচ্য কেন ব্যবহার করলে তা আলোচনা করো।

Situation 1: In your English class, the teacher teaches, helps and monitors students' activities.

(What do you think is important here? - To tell who is doing or what is done?)

Situation 2:

(What do you think is important here? - To tell who is making the poster or what is needed to make the poster?)

Situation 3:

In today's school assembly, your headteacher gave some instructions about cleaning the school campus. One of your friends was late for class. Now tell him/her 2 instructions you can remember now.

(What do you think is important here? - To tell who gave the instructions or what are the instructions?)

Situation 4:

(What do you think is important here? - To tell who gave you tiffin or what you have for tiffin?)

Situation 5:

(What do you think is important here? - To tell who worked for the bridge or what was done?)

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