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Mother's Day

নবম-দশম শ্রেণি (দাখিল) - English for Today - Unit Three: Events and Festivals | NCTB BOOK

A. Look at the picture and discuss the questions.

1 What do you think the woman is to the child?
2 Why is she holding the child on her flank? 3 Can a mother be compared to anybody?
"She can be compared with no other; This lovely lady is none but my mother."

B. Listen to the audio and answer the questions that follow.

Listening text 2



C. Choose the correct answer.
1 According to ancient Greek myths Rhea is the -
a. mother of gods.
b. goddess of love.
c. goddess of wealth.
d. goddess of health.

2. The name of Jesus Christ's mother was -
a. Rhea.
b. Mary.
c. Anna.
d. Anna Junior.

3. Julia Ward Howe was -
a. Dutch.
b. English.
c. Australian.
d. American.

4. Mother's Day was first announced as a formal holiday in the USA in -
a 1872.
b 1905.
c. 1910.
d. 1914.

5. In 1914 the American president was -
a. Roosevelt.
b. Ford.
C. Nixon.
d. Wilson.

6. Which country doesn't celebrate Mother's Day on the 2nd Sunday of May?
a. Denmark
b. The UK

c. Italy
d. Turkey


D. Listen to the text again and answer these questions.
1 What country first observed Mother's Day as a national holiday?
2 When is Mother's Day now celebrated by most of the countries in the world?
3. How is Mother's Day usually observed?
4 Why should we observe Mother's Day?

E. Write a paragraph by answering each of the following questions.

1. Do you help your mother with her housework? How?
2. Do you celebrate Mother's Day? If yes, when and how?

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