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Assertive Sentence

যে Sentence বা বাক্য দ্বারা সাধারণভাবে কোনো বিবৃতি প্রদান করা হয়, তাকে Assertive Sentence বলে। 

যেমন— I know him very well.

The wind is unfavourable.

Assertive Sentence আবার ২ প্রকার। যথা :

(1) Affirmative Sentence (হ্যাঁ বোধক বাক্য)

The Python moves slowly.

(ii) Negative Sentence (না বোধক বাক্য)

The Python does not move quickly. 

Content added By
It is he who is a fool
He is a fool, of course
He is very fool
He is a great fool
It is very nice scenery.
It is a great scenery.
It is a very nice scenery.
The scenery is very nice.
He saw no one in the room.
He did not see someone in the room.
He saw anyone in the room.
He saw someone in the room.
I could fly in the sky .
I would fly in the sky .
I wish I could fly in the sky .
I wish I fly in the sky .
Imperative sentence
Negative sentence
Optative Sentence
Assertive sentence

