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 Past Perfect Tense

অতীতের দুটি ক্রমিক ঘটনার ক্ষেত্রে যেটি আগে ঘটে সেটি  Past Perfect আর অন্যটি Past Indefinite হয়। সাধারণত before-এর পূর্বে এবং after-এর পরে Past Perfect Tense হয়, অন্য অংশে হয় Past Indefinite.

Structure: S + had + V3 + ext.

My friend had left before I came.

Prodip went to bed after he had learnt his lesson.

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he will learn his lessons.
he would learn his lessons
he learns his lessons
he had learnt his lessons
I reached the station after the train has left
I reached the station after the train has been left
I reached the station after the train left
I reached the station after the train had left

