6.1.1 Look at the illustrations below and read the sentences written in them. In groups, discuss the questions that follow.
(নিচের ছবিটি দেখো এবং সেগুলোর মধ্যে দেওয়া বাক্যগুলো পড়ো। দলে প্রশ্নগুলো আলোচনা করো।)
a. How many types of writing can you see?
b. What are they called?
c. How often do you read and write them?
d. Why do we write them?
6.1.2 Discuss the following questions in groups. (দলে নিচের প্রশ্নগুলো আলোচনা করো।)
a. How do you address your Head Teacher when you write an application to him or her?
b. Which words/phrases do you use to address your friend/cousin when you write a letter/email?
c. How is your writing to your teachers different (using words/phrases, tone, addressing, etc.) from your writing to family members?
6.2.1 Notice the words and phrases used in different writings and their organisation in the illustrations. In groups, discuss various linguistic features (e.g., first/second person, contractions, imperatives, subjective, objective, polite, casual words) used in different writing. You can take notes when you are talking. In the end, present your findings to the whole class.
(ছবিগুলোতে বিভিন্ন লেখার শব্দ ও শব্দগুচ্ছগুলোর organisation দেখো। দলে বিভিন্ন লেখায় ব্যবহৃত linguistic features (e.g., first/second person, contractions, imperatives, subjective, objective, polite, casual words) আলোচনা করো। কথা বলার সময় তুমি নোট নিতে পারো শেষে তোমার findings শ্রেণিতে শেয়ার করো।)
6.3.1 Read the first part of the text, "Ethical Issues of Child Labor below. In groups, discuss and identify the sentences that reflect formal features as given in the table helow. The first one is done as an example.
'Ethical Issues of Child Labor' এর উপর নিচের অনুচ্ছেদের প্রথম অংশটি পড়ো। দলে নিচের সারণিতে দেওয়া যে বাক্যগুলোতে formal features আছে তা চিহ্নিত করো এবং আলোচনা করো। উদাহরণ হিসেবে একটি বাক্য তোমার জন্য করে দেওয়া হলো।)
Sentences are numbered (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). One is done as an example for you
Child labour is described as work depriving children of their childhood, potential, and dignity, which harms physical and mental development (1) It is a highly contentious ethical issue in developing and underdeveloped countries, where millions of children are forced to work under hazardous conditions to support themselves and their families (2) It has been going on for more than 200 years, and now is the time to put an end to it it (3)
The use of child labour in developing and underdeveloped countries raises a range of ethical concerns, including exploitation, abuse, and violation of human rights (4). Children employed in these regions are often subjected to dangerous working conditions and long working hours, which can lead to physical and mental health problems (5) In addition, they are paid low wages and are often denied access to education and healthcare (6).
On the other hand, there are arguments in favour of child labour, such as the need for children to support their families financially, the importance of learning practical skills, and the argument that the alternative to child labour may be begging, stealing, or worse (7)
You have got some features of the formal text in Activity 6.3.1 above. Besides these, there are some more features of formal text
6.3.2 Read the last part of the text, "Ethical Issues of Child Labor. given below. In groups, discuss and identify formal features of the sentences numbered (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). You can mention the features from Activity 6.3.1. Oue is done as an example for you.
('Ethical Issues of Child Labor' এর উপর দেওয়া নিচের অনুচ্ছেদের শেষ অংশটি পড়ো। দলে নম্বর দেওয়া বাক্যগুলোর formal features আলোচনা করো এবং সেগুলো চিহ্নিত করো। activity ৬.৩.১ এর features তুমি উল্লেখ করতে পারো। উদাহরণ হিসেবে একটি বাক্য তোমার জন্য করে দেওয়া হলো।)
In addition, child labour has significant long-term consequences on social, economic, and cultural development (4). It perpetuates the cycle of poverty and impedes progress towards sustainable development. It also hinders the development of a skilled workforce and undermines the moral and social fabric of communities.
The eradication of child labour is a complex task that requites the concerted effort of governments, non-governmental organizations, and the international community. Prevention of child labour can be achieved through the provision of education, awareness building, and social services to families (5) As well as the creation of laws and policies that can protect children from exploitation and abuse. In addition, businesses and consumers in developed countries must be made aware of the ethical implications of child labour and take steps to avoid products that are made with child labour (6).
In conclusion, child labour is an ethical issue of great concern in developing and underdeveloped countries. The eradication of child labour is necessary to protect the rights and well-being of children. It can only be achieved through a collective effort by governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and consumers around the world (7)
Sentences from the text | Features of formal text used |
1. However, the mind of a child is always growing and learning new things | Academic vocabulary (However) is used |
2. They are innocent and very fragile emotionally | |
3. While child labour is often considered a necessary evil in some regions due to poverty and lack of education, it remains a violation of fundamental human rights and ethical principles. | |
4. In addition, child labour has significant long-term consequences on social, economic, and cultural development | |
5. Prevention of child labour can be achieved through the provision of education, awareness building, and social services to families. | |
6. In addition, businesses and consumers in developed countries must be made aware of the ethical implications of child labour and take steps to avoid products that are made with child labour. | |
7. It can only be achieved through a collective effort by__governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and consumers around the world. |
6.3.3 Read the note from the box below and discuss the questions that follow.
(নিচের hux এর note টি পড়ো এবং পরের প্রশ্নগুলো আলোচনা করো।)
We write various types of texts for different purposes personal letters, official letters or applications, paragraphs/compositions, poems and many more, they can be formal or informal We use formal and informal texts depending on the situation. Besides, these two styles of writing are different in many aspects. Let's look at them!
Formal Writing
When we write for an audience we do not know on a personal level, we use formal style of writing. It is typically more complex than an informal piece of text. The formal type of writing has a less personal tone and more standard language. We use the formal types of writing for academic, professional and legal purposes.
The formal writing is a bit difficult as we have to consider some essential points to be kept in mind, such as
Informal Writing
We use the informal style of writing for personal and casual communication, wherein friendly and less formal language is used. In an informal writing style, a personal and emotional tone is used, and the reader is directly referred to by the words 'you"
or 'your'. It is used when writing personal emails, texting, and letters to friends and family. It is a direct form of writing which uses -
Formal Writing: আমরা আনুষ্ঠানিক লেখা এমন audience এর জন্য লেখি যখন তাঁর personal level সম্পর্কে আমরা জানিনা। সাধারণভাবে আনুষ্ঠানিক লেখা, অনানুষ্ঠানিক লেখার চেয়ে জটিল হয়ে থাকে। আনুষ্ঠানিক লেখার মধ্যে সাধারণত personal tone কম থাকে এবং অধিক মানসম্মত ভাষা ব্যবহৃত হয়। প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক, পেশাগত ও আইন সংক্রান্ত লেখায় আমরা আনুষ্ঠানিক লেখার ধরন ব্যবহার করি।
আনুষ্ঠানিক লেখা একটু জটিল ধরনের কারণ এতে জরুরি কিছু বিষয় বিবেচনায় রাখতে হয়। আনুষ্ঠানিক দেখায় ।
1. Which situations are formal texts used in? Give some examples.
2. Which style, formal or informal, do we use with family members and friends?
3. Write five sentences in a formal and five in an informal style
6.3.4 Synonyms and antonyms are essential elements in writing. Synonymous words give us a lot of word choices by which we can write formal and informal texts. Now we will practise the of use synonyms.
• (সমার্থক শব্দ এবং বিপরীত শব্দ লেখার গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অংশ। সমার্থক শব্দের মাধ্যমে formal এবং informal text লেখার ক্ষেত্রে আমরা অনেক word choice করতে পারি। আমরা এখন সমার্থক শব্দের ব্যবহার অনুশীলন করব।)
Match the words in the left column with their synonyms in the right column below. One is done as an example:
6.3.5 Read the 'Informal writing' part in the box in Activity 6.3.3, and then read the following informal text.
(নিচের বক্সে দেওয়া activity 6.3.3 এর উপর informal writing এর অংশটি করো। তারপর নিচের informal text টি পড়ো
Khaleque's Aspiration
Hi! My name is Khaleque. I am twelve years old. I live in a slum near Kamalapur Railway Station with my mother, two little brothers and my sister. I haven't seen my father. My mother is everything to me.
Not sure who insisted on me, but I have been working to earn some money for the last few months. I think I wanted to help my mother. First, I tried to work as a porter in a market near Kamalapur Railway Station, The work was too hard for me.
Then, I started working as a helper in a motor garage. It was too risky for me, and once, I cut my palm with a sharp nail. So, my mother told me to leave that job
Now, I work in a restaurant. I begin my work at 6 am Sometimes I wash dishes, sometimes I wipe tables and sweep floors, and sometimes I serve water What I earn is nothing compared to the work I do. As there is no fixed salary for me, I always get a little amount of money. But my M.D. likes me very much.
Many children like me come to the restaurant with their parents with a view to eating food Seeing them, I sometimes wish I could have that opportunity.
There is a school just opposite the restaurant I work in. I see the students come and go, studying, playing, and having fun with each other. I feel sad that I don't have that opportunity. Yesterday, I was talking to my mom about going to school One day we all, me and my brothers and sister wanna go to school. Someday, we will go surely.
6.3.6 Now, disenss in groups and identify five sentences with informal features used in the text above. One is given for you as an example.
(এখন দলে আলোচনা করে উপরের text টি থেকে informal features ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে এমন ৫ টি বাক্য চিহ্নিত করো। উদাহরণ হিসেবে একটি বাক্য তোমার জন্য করে দেওয়া হল।)
Informal sentences | Feature of informal writing used |
1. My name is Khaleque, and I am twelve years old. | Personal and subjective, ie, first person is used |
6.3.7 Dear students, you have already learnt the features of formal and informal texts. You have also come to know their examples and their purposes. Now in groups, rewrite the sentences in the appropriate style (Formal, or Informal) in the table below. Finally, share your findings with the whole class. Give feedhack after each group's presentation. One is done as an example.
(প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, তোমরা ইতোমধ্যে formal এবং informal text লেখা সম্পর্কে জেনেছো। তোমরা আরও এসব বাক্যের উদাহরন দেখেছো এবং তার উদ্দেশ্য সম্পর্কে জেনেছ্যে। এখন দলে নিচের সারণিতে বাক্যগুলো সঠিকভাবে লেখো। সবশেষে তোমার findings গুলো পুরো শ্রেণিতে শেয়ার করো। প্রতি দলের উপস্থাপনের পরে feedback দাও। উদাহরণ হিসেবে একটি বাক্য তোমাদের জন্য করে দেওয়া হল।)
6.4.1 Read the text below individually. Then work in pairs/groups and identify the cohesive devices used in the text. Make a list of those in the table below and analyze the purposes of using the cohesive devices in the sentences.
(নিচের text টি নিজে নিজে পড়ো। তারপর জোড়ায়/দলে text টিতে ব্যবহৃত Cohesive device গুলো চিহ্নিত করো। নিচের সারণিতে Cohesive device গুলোর একটা তালিকা তৈরি করো এবং বাক্যে তাদের ব্যবহারের উদ্দেশ্য বিশ্লেষণ করো। উদাহরণ হিসেবে একটি বাক্য তোমার জন্য করে দেওয়া হল।)
Wonders of the Ancient World
Amina was sitting in her bed when her mother entered her room. As Amina was lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice. Therefore, it startled Amina when her mother spoke. "What are you doing?", her mother asked her. "I was reading when I came across the term 'Seven Wonders of the Ancient World". So, I was thinking about that.", Amina answered. "It is a list of seven notable structures of the ancient period.", mother said. "Then, why are they called wonders?", asked Amina. "You tell me why". Mother said "I don't know, Ma" "Can you name one or two of them?", Mother asked. "Great Pyramid of Giza, Lighthouse of Alexandria", answered Amina "Both are correct. Let us take the case of the Great Pyramid of Giza. What die you know about it?", Mother said. "Firstly, it is in Egypt. Secondly, it is huge.", Amina replied. "It stood 481 feet tall when constructed. Thus, being the tallest man-made structure of that time. Furthermore, it remained so for more than 3,800 years.", mother added "I can hardly wrap my head around it considering its massive structure in addition to its ancient origin.", Amina said. "Moreover, it was built without modern technologies." Mother added. "All of the seven are testaments of human marvel. For instance, the Lighthouse of Alexandria was almost 387 feet tall. In comparison to that, the tallest building in our country is 561 feet which was built in 2012 almost 2,300 years after the construction of the lighthouse," Mother said "Now, tell me why are they called wonders?", Mother asked. "Because they are aspiring with a feeling of awe." Besides, seeing them one cannot but wonder how these magnificent structures were built.", answered Amina. "Exactly, they fill us with wonders. For that reason, they are called Wonders of the Ancient World," Mother replied. Amina thanked her mother and went back to her studies
Cohesive device | Purpose of use |
therefore | cause and effect |
6.4.2 Formal writing
Read the text in Activity 6.3.5 (Someone's Aspiration) which is an informal text. In groups, rewrite the text to make it a formal text. In doing this, you can study the features of the formal text in Activity 6.3.3. Write the formal version on poster paper. Present it to the whole class upon completing the writing.
(Activity ৬.৩.৫ এর formal text (Someone's Aspiration) টি পড়ো। দলে lext টি কে formal text এ পুনরায় লেখো। এটা করার জন্য Activity ৬.৩.৩ এর formal text সম্পর্কিত feature গুলো পড়তে পারো। Poster paper & formal version টি লেখো। লেখা শেষে শ্রেণিতে উপস্থাপন করো।)
6.4.3 Informal writing
Look at the following illustrations. Can you guess what they mean? In groups, write 2-3 sentences on each situation. You may write an invitation/ congratulatory message or describe them. You can look at the features of Informal text in the box in Activity 6.3.3 for your writing.
6.4.4 Formal writing
In groups, write an essay on "How Can We Help Stop Chud Labour? You can study the hoses in Activity 3.3.2 and 6 3.3 before your writing Make sure you write at least four paragraphs. Here is a lay out of your writing
Paragraph 1 | Write here the introduction of your essay Do not forget to write a good topic sentence(s) |
Paragraph 2 | It is the 'body' of your essay Write here some solutions/ways by which we can stop child labour |
Paragraph 3 | It is also the 'body' of your essay Write some more solutions/ ways by which we can stop child labour and the challenges you may face to provide solutions |
Paragraph 4 | Write here the conclusion of your essay. Do not forget to restate your position. Try to link this part with the ideas of your topic sentences. |
New Words:
labour, contentious, ethical, developing, underdeveloped, forced, hazardous, exploitation, abuse, poverty, violation, fragile, perpetuate, impede, rights, physical, mental health problems, wages, denied access, outweighed, exploitation, morally wrong, informed consent, maturity, judgment, long-term, consequences, cycle, poverty, skilled workforce, eradication, complex task, concerted effort, international, community, laws, policies, well-being, sustainable, development
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