Write an essay on any one of the following using the hints given below. :

The ever growing importance of modern technology in life. {Hosts – Introduction –impact of technology in the personal life – transformation into digital technology – its influence on national economy – positive use – adverse –use – conclusion. (Write an essay)

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

Introduction: Modern Technologies play a very important role in our lives. For instance, modern use of technology increases efficiency. People have always used modern technological devices for development of a culture to solve problems; in earlier days of life ancient people have taken benefits of writing to communicate an idea with someone. They used to draw pictures to find solutions to public issues on their cave walls. If we look back to early human history when the ancient people recorded and spoken words were used to convey information from one generation to the next generation. Now a day's Modern technology helping us for doing work with less effort, even though it's helping us to passes knowledge to groups and individuals. So, people can develop self regulatory skills to increased more efficiency and accomplishing simple to complex everyday tasks. Now, people can also make an appointment with their doctor by using online modern technology. The uses of modern online technologies like uses of internet, television, radio, laptop, cell phones are tremendously revolutionized the world. We can also pay our bills without going somewhere. There are many uses of technologies in our daily life. Now a day's people use technologies to do different kinds of tasks. This is very significant for young, older and anyone who is taking benefit for modern technology, and how it will affect on us, and how it can improve our lives or other people lives. However, what is essential about modern technology which makes a real diversity in our lives.

Impact of technology in the personal life: Nobody can get rid of technology in our everyday lives. All of us are so technologically dependent that we can accomplish nothing without it being easy. It is essential since technology is employed in many fields of life. You may understand what technology is important while using your cell phone, watching TV, driving, using a computer, or any motor when you see your everyday lives and counting all technical items used in a day. Technology is an unavoidable component of our life. We cannot believe that we can exist without technology in today's fast-changing world.

When jobs, socialization, and cultural diffusion take place with globalization, it is impossible for us to live without technological involvement. The coronavirus pandemic also demonstrated the importance of technology to remain in contact, to work, to communicate, and to fundamentally survive. Knowing about the short overview about technology, let's move to briefly overlook the importance of technology in our daily life:

Transformation into digital technology: Digital transformation involves using digital technologies to remake a process to become more efficient or effective. The idea is to use technology not just to replicate an existing service in a digital form, but to use technology to transform that service into something significantly better.

Digital transformation can involve many different technologies but the hottest topics right now are cloud computing, the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence.

However, it's not just about the technology: changing business processes and corporate culture are just as vital to the success of these initiatives. Digital transformation projects are often a way for large and established organisations to compete with nimbler, digital-only rivals. These projects tend to be large in scope and ambition, but are not without risks.

While digital transformation is one of the most commonly used phrases in the IT industry, definitions vary. What everyone can agree on is that, beneath the hype, the fluff and the confusion, digital transformation involves some pretty important changes to business culture.

It's influence on economy: Digital platforms have become a quintessential part of the modern economy. They have revolutionised many sectors, including housing, retail and transportation. New types of transactions, such as ride-sharing and home-sharing, as well as new modes of working, such as freelancing, have become possible due to digital platforms. Although the first digital platforms appeared in the mid-1990s, the sector accelerated from the mid-2000s onward, backed by fast internet speeds and  the launch of smartphones (World Economic Forum, 2020). Particularly, after the financial crisis of 2008, companies with the digital platform business model rapidly came to dominate an increasing share of the global economic activity, often by affecting the traditional mode of business. In the last couple of years, Bangladesh has also seen rapid growth in internet connectivity as well as some supporting measures for digital entrepreneurs. However, access to finance is one of the major constraints for digital start-ups. Besides, to promote digital platforms, ease of payment for online transactions is necessary. Bangladesh is now the second largest supplier of online labour in the world, with a 16 per cent share of the global online workforce, following India which has a 24 per cent share of the global online workforce. Recently, the number of online workers from Bangladesh has increased in creative and multimedia platforms at the end of 2019 (Oxford Internet Institute, 2020).

Positives use of technology: 01.One of the biggest positive effects is easier communication, and communicating with technology is proving helpful in times of mandatory social distancing laws. 02. Advertising for people has become easier, also companies benefit a lot from digital marketing. 03. Medical research has helped save a lot of lives. Robotics - Innovations and development in this field will help work in adverse environments. 04. Calculation and storage of data are more accurate and precise. 05. Information access available to all at affordable prices. 06. Technology helps in eliminating any geographical boundaries. 07. Reduction in expenses, less time-consuming, better efficiency, increased productivity are some more advantages.

Adverse use: There are many negative effects of technology which will effects people's daily life such as language proficiency, social life and health. Although technology has helped us in many fields, but there are still many people do not realise the fact that technology has negative affects society.

The first main point for the negative impacts of information technology on society is poor language proficiency. Language proficiency is the ability of an individual to speak or perform in an acquired language. This is a very serious matter to be concern about this developing information technology on society. This is because the modern technology allows the students to communicate with their families and associates instantly using application such as Line, WeChat and WhatsApp. This application will make life easier to communicate between each other. However, this will cause them to ignore the spelling of different words and the usage of proper grammar. Furthermore, with the increasing amount of information on the web, Internet users may come across inaccurate information and lead to misinformation or even slightly skewed way of thinking. This may confused the student understanding through some information. Students in this generation love to communicate with their friends and tend to make new friends when they are on social networks. However, some of them will face problems when it comes to real world face-to-face communication.

Conclusion: In a nutshell, we believe the advancement of technology has negatively impacted our language proficiency, social life and health. Poor language proficiency should be countered by having more communication through internet using proper grammar and correct spellings of different words, having face-to-face communication more frequently or reading more newspaper to improve the language proficiency. We should manage our usage of technology devices by reducing the usage of smartphone for long hours, learn how to communicate and mingle with people around us and make it a habit to write in proper sentences using correct spelling and grammar. Next regarding social life, we should spend quality time with our family and friends. Moreover, try not to store most of our personal information as it might harm our safety. Lastly, regarding to health, if forced to work for long hours in front of the computer screen, we should take breaks in between to stretch our body and relax our eyes. Furthermore, society must be able to utilise technology while not allowing it to handicap social interactions, particularly for those who are easily influenced during our formative years. Our world must learn to embrace technology without allowing it to negatively impact the creation of functional adults in society. According to Greg Satell (2013). "Technology, like most human things, is a double edged sword, involving gain and loss, merit and demerit." In conclusion, the more advanced technology becomes, the more it seems to have control over our lives.

1 year ago


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