
একাদশ- দ্বাদশ শ্রেণি - English | NCTB BOOK

it is one of the great speeches all over the world. his bold speech helped us to get freedom. so beyond all, it is very important in our national and international life.

1 year ago
A computer is an artificially intelligent machine that is programmed to work under fixed condition; But the human brain is naturally intelligent and it is able to operate on ever changing conditions.
1 year ago
Synonym synonyms 
frugal-মিতব্যয়ী Trivial- মিতব্যয়ী
1 year ago
synonyms synonyms
indolent- কুড়ে, অলস Lazy- কুড়ে, অলস 
1 year ago
diligent- পরিশ্রমীNegligent- অসতর্ক 
1 year ago
synonyms antonyms 
different- বিভিন্ন Same - অনুরূপ, একই 
1 year ago

সে তার পরিবারের একজন কুলাঙ্গার ছেলে। 

1 year ago