
Part B

Here is the story of Maria. There are some gaps in the story. Now fill in the blanks with appropriate non-finite verbs (Gerund, participles, and infinitive).

Maria was determined ______ (to finish/finishing) her project before the deadline. She knew that _______ (to manage/managing) her time well was crucial. After ________ (to plan/planning) her schedule carefully, she began_________ (to work/working) on the most challenging tasks first. 

While _____ (to complete/completing) the initial stages, Maria realized she needed some help. She called her friend, Sujon, _________ (to ask/asking) for advice. Sujon suggested _________ (to break/breaking) the project into smaller, more manageable parts. Maria found this advice helpful and decided _________ (to follow/following) it. As she continued _________  (to work/working), she felt more confident. By the end of the day, she was able ________ (to see/seeing) significant progress, which motivated her _______ (to keep/keeping) going.

Created: 5 days ago | Updated: 5 days ago
Updated: 5 days ago

Maria was determined (to finish) her project before the deadline. She knew that (managing) her time well was crucial. After (planning) her schedule carefully, she began (to work) on the most challenging tasks first. While (completing) the initial stages, Maria realized she needed some help. She called her friend, Sujon, (to ask) for advice. Sujon suggested (breaking) the project into smaller, more manageable parts.

Maria found this advice helpful and decided (to follow) it. As she continued (to work), she felt more confident. By the end of the day, she was able (to see) significant progress, which motivated her (to keep) going.

4 days ago

ইংরেজি - English

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