
Make six sentences using the parts of sentences from each column of the table below:

Reading newspaperis calledour outlook and enriches our wisdom.
Newspaperbroadensthe news and views of home and abroad by reading newspaper
Itbeus false news which is harmful for a peaceful society.
Onegivesa very good habit
Sometimes itcan getthe store house of knowledge.
a source of entertainment too.

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

(i) Reading newspaper is a very good habit.

 (ii) It is a source of entertainment too.

(iii) Newspaper broadens our outlook and enriches our wisdom.

 (iv) It is called the store house of knowledge.

(v) One can get the news and views of home and abroad by reading newspaper.

(vi) Sometimes it gives us false news which is harmful for a peaceful society

1 year ago

English Grammar & Composition

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