
Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.











Science (a) _____ simply miracle. It (b) _____ about a change over the face of the globe. It (c) _____ man to control the forces of Nature and employ them to his service. With the help of science we can now (d) _____ messages across the seas, fly in the air like the winged bird. Modern science may (e) ______ to Aladin's magic lamp. Cinema, radio, television, gramophone, electric fan and watch (f) ______ all the gifts of modern science. The cinema (g) ______ the moving and talking pictures of men and women. It (h) _____ a great influence in our daily life. The radio (i) _____ us to listen to the talks of people living hundreds of miles away from us across seas and mountains. The television (j) ____ pictures seen through the wireless.

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

(a) is; 
(b) has brought; 
(c) enables; 
(d) send; 
(e) be compared;
(f) are; 
(g) means; 
(h) exercises/does; 
(i) enables; 
(j) gives

Science (a) is simply miracle. It (b) has brought about a change over the face of the globe. It (c) enables  man to control the forces of Nature and employ them to his service. With the help of science we can now (d) send messages across the seas, fly in the air like the winged bird. Modern science may (e) be compared to Aladin's magic lamp. Cinema, radio, television, gramophone, electric fan and watch (f) are all the gifts of modern science. The cinema (g) means the moving and talking pictures of men and women. It (h) exercises/does a great influence in our daily life. The radio (i) enables us to listen to the talks of people living hundreds of miles away from us across seas and mountains. The television (j) gives pictures seen through the wireless.


1 year ago

English Grammar & Composition

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