
Make five sentences using the parts of sentences from cach chamn of the table below

(a) (Global warming

(b) Imesponsible activities of human beings

(C) Sea level

(d) As a result, the coastal arcas

(e) Using of renewable energy

is rising



can reduce

are going

mainly responsible for it.
due to global warming.
to the increase in the temperature of the globe.
to be vulnerable.
temperature rise to a great extent.

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago

(a) Global warming refers to the increase in the temperature of the globe.
(b) Irresponsible activities of human being are mainly responsible for it.
(c) Sea level is rising due to global warming.
(d) As a result, the coastal areas are going to be vulnerable.
(e) Using of renewable energy can reduce temperature rise to a great extent.

1 year ago

English Grammar & Composition

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