Read the following passage carefully and answer

Tourism , holiday making and travel have become popular social phenomena. Since, social scientists have considerable difficulty explaining weightier topics such as work of politics, it might be thought that they might have greater difficulty in accounting for such a trivial phenomena like holidaymaking. Tourism, often, is compared with deviance involving the investigation of bizarre and idiosyncratic social practices which can reveal interesting and significant pattern of 'normal' societies. Tourism is a leisure activity which presupposes it opposite ,i.e. manifesting how leisure and work are organized as separate and regulated spheres of modern societies . Tourist relationships arise from a relationship of movement of people to, and their stay in, various destinations with a clear intention to return home. Tourists visit features of landscape and townscape which separate them off from e everyday experience, such viewing often involues different forms of social patterning, with a much greater sensitivity to visual elements of landscape and townscape than is normally found in everyday life. People linger over these sights in a way that they would not do in their home environment and the vision is captured through photographs, postcards and films which enable the memory to be endlessly reproduced and recaptured.

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