“I wandered lonely as a cloud that floats on high o’er vales and hills”- How many adverb(s) is/are here?

Created: 2 years ago | Updated: 1 year ago
Updated: 1 year ago


Parts of Speech-এর একটি অন্যতম প্রকার হচ্ছে adverb। Adverb সাধারণত adjective, verb ও another adverb-কে বিশেষিত করে থাকে। বিভিন্ন adverb-এর ব্যবহার ও বাক্যে তাদের যথাযথ অবস্থান বাক্যের শুদ্ধাশুদ্ধির ক্ষেত্রে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করে থাকে। Adverb কখনো noun কে qualify করে না। noun কে qualify করে adjective।

সংজ্ঞা : যে word কোনো adjective, verb, another adverb এমনকি কোনো sentence-কে modify বা বিশেষিত করে তাকে adverb বলা হয় ।
প্রকারভেদ : Adverb কয়েক প্রকারের হতে পারে। নিচের টেবিলটি দেখুন-

Types of AdverbExample
Adverb of Time (When?)after, already, before, just, finally, last, later, next, now, recently, soon, then, tomorrow, yesterday, today, tonight lately, still, yet, immediately, ago.
Adverb of Place (Where?)abroad, anywhere, downstairs, here, home, in, nowhere, out, outside, somewhere, there, underground, upstairs, everywhere, downtown, back, away.
Adverb of Manner (How?)carefully, very, quite, pretty, really, fast, well, hard, quickly, slowly, hardly, barely, mostly, absolutely, together, alone.
Adverb of Frequency (How often)always, frequently, often, usually, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, rarely, never, regularly, normally, traditionally, again, once, twice, thrice, ever, weekly.
Adverb of Degreealmost, much, nearly, quite, too, very, little, rather, more, enough, fairly, highly, slightly, somewhat, utterly.
Adverb of cause and effecttherefore, hence, accordingly, consequently.
Adverb of Purpose  so, so that, in order to, since, intentionally.


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