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Meanings of Word

All Question - (1864)

An elephant of white colour
A very costly or troublesome possession
A black marketer
A hoarder
Manner of speech
Sentence building
Supplementary tax
Synchrounizing act
Flatter for self motives
To speak ill of others
To speak high of others
To recognise other's good deeds
a period of being carefree
a period of having youthful flings
a period of misfortune
hot weather
The final step
The end of a road
The last line of a book
The essential point
a true statement
Equal opportunity to get a job
Free expression of opinions
Two contrary things in the same statement
he is very tired
He has arrived
He has finished packing
he has got everything
A musical instrument
A well-planned programme
A noisy activity
A musical drama
A large solid piece of store
A device to cut off a person's head as a punishment
Something that makes movement difficult
A powerful explosive to demolish buildings
To read carefully
To read only some lines
To read quickly to save time
To read carefully to find out any hidden meaning
The English took them to the Egyptians
The English considered them to be Egyptians
The English were taken in by the Egyptians
The English brought them as far as Egypt