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সফটওয়্যার- Software

All Question - (18)

Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago

কম্পিউটার এ ব্যবহিত নরম তার

কম্পিউটারের যান্ত্রিক অংশ

কম্পিউটার অপারেশনের জন্য প্রোগ্রাম

কম্পিউটারের ইলেক্ট্রনিক অংশ

Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago
The Operating System (OS)
File Allocation Table (FAT)
Basic In-Out System (BIOS)
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)
none of them
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago
Win Compress
MS Compress
Win Zip
MS File Zip
None of these
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago
Application programs
Packaged programs
All of these
None of these
Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago
Norton Antivirus
Adobe Photoshop
Created: 5 years ago | Updated: 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago
Applications programs
Packaged Programs
All of these
None of these
Created: 5 years ago | Updated: 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago
Requirement Analysis
Created: 5 years ago | Updated: 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago
Win Compress
MS Compress
Win Zip
MS File Zip
None of these
Created: 5 years ago | Updated: 8 months ago
Updated: 8 months ago
Win Compress
MS Compress
Win Zip
MS file Zip
None of these